Page 12 of Boundary

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Eyes squinting, Dale shook his head. "Their children would then have to mate with a full-blood." Moving forward, a frown creased his forehead. "Was this never explained to you?"

"I only know alpha meant the boss because of the way they used it."

"So you know nothing about your own heritage? Know nothing about why we are different?"

His wording got my attention. "Different how?"

Lightning flashed in Dale's eyes. Anger blew through the room like an unexpected hurricane. Scurrying out of the way, I squeezed myself between the freestanding bathtub and the wall. Hunkering down into the smallest possible size, my body quaked with fear. Memories of Malcolm stormed my mind, then blew away. No, it wasn't Malcolm; I had been right about Dale, he was different.

Malcolm's anger was choking, like a pair of nylons strangling you. Dale's rage left you unable to breathe, think, beg, or hope. Nothing but cowering, awaiting the hellfire of his wrath to tear your flesh and burn your bones to ashes. Like a neutron bomb, his temper sucked the oxygen from my lungs. Seconds later, the air returned to normal and rushed into my lungs, causing me even more pain than when it went. Wheezing, I panted for breath, curled over my knees, petrified.

"Vera." Dale rushed into the room, remorse coating his voice. "Oh, goddess, I'm so sorry." When he reached for me, I flinched. Hesitating only a moment, Dale proceeded to place a firm hand on my back and press down.

My eyes widened as my breathing hitched then immediately evened out. Calmness radiated through my body. The offering was safety, assurance, and love. Yanking back from that last emotion, I glared at Dale. He had the decency to wince. "Too far, too soon?"

"Too far."

Dale snickered. "Well, at least you recover fast." Rising up, Dale held out a hand. "Come on, Vera, dinner is ready."

Taking his hand to help me up, my nerve impulses fired where he touched my skin. Removing my hand from his, shaking still, I lifted my eyes to his. "You frightened me."

Something flittered across his eyes, but it wasn't an emotion I recognized to capture. "Can I show you something?" When I gave a slight nod, Dale gazed into my fake brown eyes. "I will need to touch you."

Pausing, I swallowed but decided there was nothing malicious in it. Cautious, but willing to give Dale the chance, I gave a single nod again.

Slipping his hand behind my neck, Dale pulled me close, my body pressing to his, as he brushed his lips against mine. Sighing at the feather-light touch, I stared up into his swirling indigo irises. The chocolate striations spread until only a ring of indigo remained on the edge of amber.

A growl of hunger rippled through me. Grabbing Dale's collar, I was hot and needy as I smashed my mouth against his, lips pinching and pulling. His gaze drew me in, and I fell; somewhat like I imagine Alice felt falling into wonderland.

Images of a woman in period wear, early nineteen hundred at a guess floated in my mind. She was walking down a cobblestone street with her mother. When the young woman noticed me watching her, she blushed. Her mother scowled and dragged her along faster.

In the forest, at night, the girl smiling as she stepped inside the tree line, dressed only in her nightdress. She didn't stay covered for long. Desire rippled through me as I watched the girl panting beneath me. Sweating and smiling, I loved the way she bit her lip as I lost myself inside her.

Her tears and fear as she told me she was with child. Stealing her away into the night, taking her from her family and making her my wife. Her belly heavy with child as I knelt and kissed it. Watching my beautiful twin girls born into the world.

Being happy, playing with my daughters, loving their mother, a lot. Considering the relentless practice, it took years for her to get with child again, but that was the way of our kind. Children were scarce. Still, I was over the moon to see her tummy grow a second time, followed by the birth of my son.

When I found her with another man, rage burned within me. Calm as a summer breeze, she touched my face and made me look in the mirror. Dale's youthful face reflected back at me. He looked eighteen at most. She made me see hers, no longer the young woman, but a matured one with teenage daughters.

As she explained that it was time for her to find a man of her own kind, to grow old in happiness, I seethed. With a farewell kiss to my lips, I let her go, wanting her happiness more than anything.

Dizzy, strong arms held me tight as Dale removed his lips from mine and I returned to his bathroom. "I cared deeply for Rebecca. When I found out about her affair, I felt betrayed. I'd never felt that much anger in my life."

Having felt his rage back then, it was ten times what I'd experienced in the bathroom.

"I could hold my temper when I felt gutted and betrayed by someone I cared about. So, I can hold my temper with anything you dish out."

Taking a second to find my voice, I licked my lips. "How did you do that? Are you a witch or something?"

"We have a connection that allows me to share my memories and experiences. You could share yours with me, but I don't think it's a good idea for us to dredge that lake. All you need to know right now is that connection will make it impossible that I will ever harm you, Vera. You are safer than Rebecca, and I could never have harmed a hair on her head, even when she broke my heart."

His lips were still only millimeters from mine. Tempting me. "I want to trust you. My instinct tells me too. The scars are still too fresh." Detaching myself from him, I created space between us, cold with the lack of contact.

Dale's eyes dropped to my covered abdomen. "Malcolm is a monster. I'm sure the scars are deeper than flesh, but I will help you heal what I can." Holding out his hand, palm up, Dale tilted his head to the door.

Sliding my hand into his, the tingles climbed like ivy along our connecting flesh. As we walked out to join the others for dinner, Dale chuckled to himself.

