Page 32 of Boundary

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Smiling, I unlocked my door. Following me in, Dale locked the door behind him. Kicking my shoes off in my bedroom, I went to the kitchen. Mixing sugar, cocoa, potato starch, and milk, I then heated it. Once I felt the mixture start to thicken, I turned off the heat and set out the hot chocolate mugs. Adding in a splash of brandy, I stirred it through. Pouring the thick liquid chocolate into the cups, I placed in vanilla straw wafers and served it up.

"It's too hot for a while, so let it cool down," I warned before turning my back to clean up, humming to myself as I did.

"I like that song. What's it called?" Freezing, I realized what song I'd been humming. "Begin Again, right? About getting over a bad relationship by meeting a nice guy."

"You know that song?" I asked, deflecting the meaning behind his words.

"I have two daughters and work in a building with a lot of young females. I get exposed to all sorts of things most men my age would not."

"Most men, your age are dead."

"Touché." Chuckling, Dale picked up the hot chocolate, sipped and moaned. "I haven't had cioccolata calda in over a decade. Did you learn to make it in Italy?"

Blowing over my drink to cool it, I avoided eye contact. "I never left the pack-house. Once a year he'd take me to a resort or hotel for a few days to celebrate our anniversary. Which was the day he raped me, in case you're wondering? He considered that the start of our relationship. For the first hour out and into the pack-house, Malcolm kept me blindfolded. He always took precautions to ensure I couldn't find my way out should I choose to be stupid enough to try it."

Dale fell quiet.

Grimacing in the sudden thinness of the air, I sighed. "I apologize. I didn't mean to bring that up. I've never left the country."

Lifting his drink to his lips, Dale drank the rest, both of us quiet. When he finished, I watched him lick his lips and felt my knees weaken with the sudden hit of brandy take effect. That's what I was telling myself it was. A howl from far away caught our attention outside. Dale looked towards the manor house. "The pack are letting me know they are heading out to hunt."

When I bit my lip, Dale rose from the kitchen bench and walked around, rinsing his cup clean. "I've told them to keep it away from here." When Dale turned to face me, I gave a slight nod. Dale looked out the window. "I told them I'd join them when I got back."

"Okay." Draining my mug, I put it aside, ready to walk him out. "Thank you for dinner."

With a careful look in his eyes, Dale rubbed the corner of my mouth with his thumb, then he lifted it to his. Watching him suck the chocolate that had been on the edge of my lip, I gripped the bench behind me to keep my body in place. How could he be so damn sexy sucking his thumb?

"It was my pleasure." All the humor was gone from his face. Lust and intensity staring back at me now. Sidling closer, Dale lowered his mouth to mine. That hot chocolate had nothing on the taste of Dale's mouth. It was like I'd drunk several mouthfuls of brandy straight from the bottle. His scent and taste were heady and intoxicating.

Within seconds, the kissing went from'polite farewell,'to'should be taking our clothes off.'Moments later, I was unbuttoning and pushing Dale's shirt from his shoulders. Moaning, my hands tingled over his muscular chest. Stepping us back until my bum was against the kitchen bench, Dale pressed himself against me. Feeling my body, Dale found the fastener on my dress.

My body temperature soared when Dale slipped his free hand in to touch my bare back as he lowered the zip. Gasping at the sensations his touch was causing, I hung my head back. Dropping his mouth to my neck, Dale kissed over his mark.

Having read up on chemistry, I understood how lust worked. How chemical changes in the body incited stimulation in our muscles and cells. But until now, I'd never experienced lust-induced galvanism myself. My nerves fired, and my body pulsed with desire.

Moaning Dale's name as he pushed my dress to the floor, I stood there panting in my underwear. Dale's eyes wandered my body. "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on, Vera." Capturing my face in his hands, Dale kissed me slow and deep.

If I thought I'd come undone before, I was the moment he kissed me like that. He explored my mouth with tenderness, kissing me with the patience of a saint and the intentions of a devil. I was a woman possessed. Pure, primal, lust scorched through my body. Pressing against him, I yearned for this magnificent man to plunder me.

Making light work of Dale's belt and fly, I shoved his pants to the floor. Lifting me to the kitchen bench, Dale moved between my welcoming thighs. We were both breathing heavy. Holding my face in his hands, Dale gazed down on me; his eyes the brightest I'd ever seen them.

A howl directly outside startled us both. Taking several steps back, Dale afforded me a view of how magnificent his entire body was. My head cleared, the passion of the moment broken by the interference. Dropping from the bench, I grabbed up my dress holding it up in front of me.

"Goddess, Vera, I'm so sorry. I didn't intend for anything to happen tonight."

The howl came from outside again, this time immediately followed by another.

The lust fading, I shuddered at having the wolves this close to my house again. "Your pack are waiting for you."

Mouth tightening, Dale glared towards the window. "Pack of cockblockers is what they are." Snatching up his clothes, Dale stepped into me and kissed me. Only for a minute, but my entire body felt light as a feather by the time his lips withdrew. "I also need to get you some blinds. Jeremy says the underwear is much nicer on you than the mannequin."

Eyes bulging at the comment, I tried to cover myself better. My entire body flamed, exposing my embarrassment.

With a smirk, Dale gave me a quick peck on the lips. "I'll see you for dinner tomorrow night." Pure heat and intent in his eyes.

Staring at my kitchen sink, I tried to calm my racing heart and heaving lungs. The quaking in my body I'd given up on stopping. I figured, once Dale was gone, that would die down.

"I'm going to leave my clothes on your back porch if you don't mind?"
