Page 33 of Boundary

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Turning, I watched Dale unlock the back door. "That's fine."

Grinning at me, Dale stepped outside. Dropping his clothes, Dale jogged down the steps into the yard. When he disappeared out of sight, I moved forward with a frown to see what happened. A gasp escaped when the big black dog I'd known as alpha stood in Dale's place. Yes, I knew they were one and the same, but the change was quick. Nothing like I'd imagined. Watching alpha run off into the woods, I felt a little of the happiness of the night fade away. Picking up the journal Jeremy gave me, I noted the change in emotion. Then, taking the diary to my room, I wrote how being with Dale made me feel.

At first, I didn't assess it, just wrote everything down and then went to change for bed. When I'd locked up the house and crawled into bed, I read what I'd written. Closing the journal stunned, I sunk down in bed, terrified and awed simultaneously. Mixed reactions and feelings encased me in a cloud of confusion and doubt. Did I trust what I'd written, or become more cautious?

As I closed my eyes, my body overrode my brain, and I drifted off, remembering the way Dale kissed and touched me.

'Trust him.'My heart urged.

'What's trust?'

Chapter 13

Standing in the kitchen making myself breakfast, I realized I was smiling at nothing. Having slept well, I'd woken happy, but now I was feeling even better. Eyes drawn to the backyard, I noticed Dale emerging from the forest path. Dressed in a pair of knee-length shorts and a polo shirt, with volleys on his feet, Dale looked good. Remembering how much better he'd looked naked brought a fresh hit of heat to my cheeks.

Jogging up the back steps, Dale knocked on the back door. Placing my coffee on the bench, I walked to the door, opening the glass door, but leaving the screen locked. "We agreed on dinner, not breakfast."

"I ate a while ago. I was hoping we could spend the day together?"

"Doing what, exactly?"

Dale's smile grew. "I was thinking of taking the yacht out."

Unsure if he was having a go, I blinked at him. Then the buzzer on my oven sounded startling me. "Come in."

Unlocking the door, I rushed to the oven and removed my poached eggs. Serving them onto my plate, I added the toast and took it to the table. Considering Dale, I scanned my meal, wondering if I should make him something.

"Sit and eat, I'll steal some of your coffee."

Sitting, I started eating, and Dale joined me at the table with his coffee,

"So, as I was saying, I have a yacht. With this being such a nice day, I thought you may want to join me."

"I've never been on a boat before."

"I figured. I'm going to date you, Vera. I want to show you the world outside a pack-house, show you how to live and enjoy life."

Twirling my knife on my plate, I drew circles in the yolk. I couldn't help my skepticism. "Before you lock me back up in another pack-house? So this time I know what I'm missing out on?"

Dale's anger trickled into the room like a soft hot breeze. "I would never do that to you. When we marry, you will be my wife. You will be free to shop when you like, go to university and study, and you will travel with me around the world. It is no less than my first wife did, Vera. I have the photos to prove it if you wish?"

Trying to discern any lie or trick to his words, I studied him, but I found nothing. Dale seemed genuine. Focusing back on my breakfast, I avoided Dale's eyes. "I can't swim."

"You will have a life vest. I promise you will be safe." I kept staring at the yolk I'd mutilated. Waiting for several breaths, Dale touched my hand with tenderness. "Will you come sailing with me, Vera?"

Meeting his caring eyes, I bit my lip. Happiness was bubbling inside me, but it was such a strange feeling.

"I've asked Jeremy and Bob to come as well if that makes you feel better?"

A small smile tilted my lips as I nodded. "Okay, but if I fall in and drown, I'll haunt you for the rest of your long life."

Dale laughed. "I still win either way."

Not sure I had anything for the occasion, and unsure what people even wore on yachts, I assessed his clothes. "What should I wear?"

"Something summery. You'll need sunscreen and a hat since I doubt your skin has ever seen sunlight. We'll stop at a shop on the way if you need."

Joy almost bursting from my chest, I pressed my hands between my thighs to restrain myself. "Okay. When do we leave?"
