Page 60 of Boundary

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No one had to tell me this, it was something I felt in my bones. Bob and Jeremy were the only two, other than Dale, who could give me an order and expect me to follow it. Bob's, I felt I might be able to challenge; Jeremy, not a chance.

The drive home was quiet with Jeremy withdrawn and angry. Getting in an enclosed space with him took more energy than I had left today. So I was huddling against the door and focused on the passing scenery.

As we pulled into the driveway, Jeremy sighed. "I still need to do the shopping. I'll drop you off and head back out. Is there anything different you need?"

Doing a quiet inventory of my fridge in my mind, I shook my head. "I was cooking dinner for Dale tonight."

"He'll be here at the normal time. With my mood, its best if we skip on the self-defense lessons today."

"I understand."

Parking the car, Jeremy carried my bag to the front door for me. "Will you be okay?"

"This is the only place I've ever felt safe."

"That will need to change, Vera. You are mated now; you should be living in the main house with your mate."

"Not today, Jeremy."

Nodding, Jeremy waited for me to unlock the door. "I'll bring your shopping down later."

"Thanks." Stepping inside, I closed and locked the door as usual. Feeling a little insecure, I made my way through the house, checking all the windows and doors first.

Hanging the wedding dress in my room so I could sit on my bed and gaze at it, I smiled at the memories that dress brought me. With a sigh, I went out and made myself some lunch, deciding what to cook for dinner while I was there. Sitting down at my computer, I did some work but found I wasn't much in the mood for it.

The knock at the door actually excited me. For once, I was happy for Jeremy to be dropping off my shopping. "Bob?"

"Jeremy asked me to bring your shopping down. He's packing up Howard's things."

Stepping aside to let Bob in, I shut the door after him and followed him to the kitchen.

Placing the bags on the kitchen bench, Bob grinned. "So, how was the wedding night?" Heat filled my face remembering. "That good?" When I grew hotter around the collar, Bob started laughing. "From what I hear, Dale was smiling pretty big the morning of the wedding. Jeremy also tells me you were causing orgies the day before that."

"How much do I owe?"

"You're pack now, Vera, Dale gets your bills." Heading back to the door, Bob winked. "Try not to trash the kitchen tonight."

Imagining doing that, I smiled at the possibility. Bob laughed as he shut the door after himself, locking it for me.

Deciding I wanted to be fresh when Dale arrived, I went and had a shower. Planning out dinner as I washed, I decided what I could prepare in advance. It had to be something that wouldn't spoil if Dale and I got caught up for a while after he arrived.

When I finished the shower, I could hear my phone ringing. Cursing, I wrapped a towel around me and ran out to the bedroom, snatching it up. "Hello?"

"Is everything okay?" Dale asked.

"Yes, why?"

"This is the second time I've rung, and it almost rang out."

"Oh, I was in the shower daydreaming about what to cook you tonight."

"I can't make it." My stomach sank. "I fired Howard today and told him to leave the pack. Before he left, he deleted an entire month's worth of work. I'm dealing with our customers while IT try and recover it."

"Oh!" I bit my lip. "He's not coming here is he?"

"No. I've barred him from the property and told Jeremy to deliver his stuff to him. He's meeting him at his city apartment in an hour. I can't believe he betrayed me like that."

"I'm sorry."
