Page 7 of Boundary

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Hugging my arms around me, stepping from foot to foot, wanting to run, hard and fast, and yet, I wanted to run to him.

His eye's assessing every movement I made. "It's about time we get to know each other, as neighbors, don't you think?"

"No." I nodded. Frowning, I forced my head to shake instead.

Jaw clenched, Dale slipped his hands in his pockets and watched me. "Bob told me someone hurt you before, that you're scared of our kind." With him watching me like a hawk, something about his eyes seemed familiar. "I give you every assurance, Vera, neither I or any of my staff will ever hurt you."

My heart warmed wanting to believe him, but my past etched distrust deep into my bones.

"I'd like you to come to my house for a dinner party tomorrow night. Bob and Jeremy and some friends will also attend, so you don't need to worry about being alone with a strange man."

The invitation sounded sincere, but I hesitated. Socializing and meeting new people and making friends appealed. Was I ready to risk this? "Will Alpha be there?"

Dale's eyebrows rose. "The dog?" When I nodded, Dale blinked a few times. "He'll be around, but I don't let him in the house."

"I'll come if Alpha will walk me home afterward."

"You trust the dog that attacked you over men that have done nothing but help you?"

Wondering how he included himself in that category, I frowned. "I trust the animal that has a truthful nature, over men whose nature is to deceive and manipulate."

"That's a wide net you are casting, Vera."

"It's a well-tested one."

Eyes scanning down my body, Dale paused his assessment at my waist. "That's a nasty scar. Care to tell me how you got that?"

Glancing down, I noticed that by hugging myself, my singlet had ridden up enough to flash the bottom part of the scar. Clearing my throat, I tugged the singlet down roughly. Dale's eyes jumped to my breasts in surprise. My cheeks burned when I realized I'd come close to exposing myself to him. Releasing the bottom of my singlet, I fitted it back into place, covering my chest. "Your dog trashed my dressing gown."

A smile curved Dale’s lip. "You were trespassing; be grateful that was the only clothing he destroyed."

Gawping at Dale, I was astounded he could be so... who was I kidding, Malcolm would have said worse. Hell, he would have walked in here and stripped me down and...

"Bob told you?" Shivering at the near memory of Malcolm's persona.

Taking a deep breath, Dale rested a hand on each side of the door frame as he watched me. "My staff tell me everything that happens on my property."

"This isn't your land anymore."

He didn't debate with me, just smirked at the floor for a moment then lifted his eyes to mine again. "It's interesting."

"What is?"

"Bob and Jeremy both tell me you have brown eyes, but currently, they are a very vivid green."

Biting my lip, I touched a finger pad to my eyes.

"I'm guessing contacts. I'd place a decent bet that your hair wasn't mahogany till recently and that your real name isn't Vera."

"Get off my land."

Dale tilted his head. "I'm not threatening you, Vera. I'm just letting you know, I see past the charade." Stepping back from the door, Dale slid his hands into his pockets. "You're terrified, not of me or other men, just the one that gave you that scar. You've stood your ground against me several times now. I know you're a strong woman, you wouldn't be here now if you weren't."

Backing up another step, I swallowed the fear of his words, the awareness in his eyes.

"The accounts I've heard of you is that you are quite put together until a man goes to touch you." Dale's eyes drifted to my abdomen, hidden by my singlet now. "I would say that's warranted. So here's the deal, Vera. You're to come to dinner at my place tomorrow night. None of my guests will touch you, and Alpha will escort you home afterward. Hell, the entire pack can walk you back if that would make you feel safer."

Anxiety crawled along my spine. My father and Malcolm aways called their household by that term. "Pack?".
