Page 8 of Boundary

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Sobering, Dale met my eyes. "There is more than one dog up at the house. Alpha was the one you had the misfortune of meeting when you arrived."


Studying me, contemplation evident on his face, Dale took a breath and refocused. "Dinner is at six. The dress will be smart casual." Turning on his heel, Dale walked back down the stairs without another word. Moving forward, I watched him move into the woods, following the lit path. He was so like Malcolm, and yet so different. Yes, he was an alpha male, but he reminded me more of my father on the brief times I saw him. My body felt safe around Dal. My muscles relaxed, and my heart calm. It was my personal trust issues, and the fact Dale seemed very familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on why.

Chapter 4

Opening the door to take a walk, I nearly had a heart attack to find a man standing there. "Jeremy?"

Without greeting, Jeremy moved past me and into my bedroom. "It's time I looked at your wardrobe."

"No, wait." Recovering from my surprise, I followed him into my bedroom. Already standing in the wardrobe, Jeremy frowned and moved to the dresser. Opening the empty drawers, he shook his head. Next, he lifted the pillow on my bed, noting my folded pajamas before entering the bathroom.

After assessing the near-empty clothes hamper, Jeremy came back out unhappy. "You own the clothes on your back, two other tops, and the pajamas under your pillow."

"I've not needed anything else."

"Can you not afford clothes?"

"Of course I can, I just haven't..." Swallowing, I hung my head. "There were so many people when I went to the shops. I've only just got used to the village, the shopping center was too much."

"Grab your purse." Walking out the front door again, Jeremy headed for his car. Unsure what was happening, I stared after him. "Now, Vera. I have a dinner to prepare for so you'll have to shop while I shop."

Swallowing my hesitation, I grabbed my handbag and followed Jeremy out the door. He stood holding the passenger door on his Mercedes open. Hurrying forward, I sunk into the passenger seat.

Before starting the engine, Jeremy handed me a handkerchief. "Here, put it in your purse. You start to freak out, pretend to wipe your nose and breathe deeply; it will calm you."

"What's it laced with?"

"Don't ask. It will work, that's all that matters."

Shoving the hankie in my handbag, Jeremy pressed the ignition button and sped up the drive. Sped might have been an understatement. Jeremy drove like he was in a rally car tournament.

"Do you exercise?"

"I used to run on a treadmill every day. I've been walking around the house, but need joggers before I can run the driveway."

As if he guessed as much, Jeremy nodded. "There is a gym in the basement of the manor house. You play your cards right tonight, Dale will let you use it and the pool."

"What does playing my cards entail?"

Jeremy almost smirked; only almost. "No screaming, insulting, or gouging out the eyes of Dale's friends."

"I think I can manage that if everyone behaves themselves."

"They will." His voice was deep and confident.

When we arrived at the shopping center, Jeremy walked with me until I found a store that carried my style. After escorting me inside, Jeremy excused himself. "I need to go get some supplies. Go crazy, and don't hesitate to use the hankie if you need it."

When he started to reach for me, my eyes went wide, but Jeremy withdrew his hand. Grumbling under his breath, he walked out. Blinking at the awkward encounter, I started looking around the store.

Purchasing two summer dresses, a mid-season dress, some slacks, and loose flowing tops, I saw no sign of Jeremy. Spotting a sports store a few doors down, I made my way down to it. Staying close to the display windows, I held my breath whenever anyone came near me but made it unscathed.

With a pair of joggers and activewear in a bag, I hurried across the stream of shoppers to an underwear store. The underwear was stunning, but when I looked at the price tag, my eyes jumped out of my head. One set was more than I'd spent in total in the ladies sports store.

"Is there another underwear store here?"

The sales assistant smiled and considered the set I'd been admiring. "Yes, right at the other end. It's cheaper, but it won't feel or look as good. Why don't you try it first? You can then go to the other shop, and compare. What size are you?" Selecting one of the beautiful bras I'd been looking at, the sales assistant gestured me to follow. "Try it on, you'll notice the difference."
