Page 10 of Praldia

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I was just signing the last page when Aldous looked over. "You're finished?" he asked, bringing everyone's attention to me and the pen in my shaking hand.

"I am." Dropping the pen, I clasped my hands together to try and still them before looking up. "What time is it? I need food."

"Again?" Aldous asked, coming to look at the contracts.

"I eat a lot."

"Apparently, so. I've met Avalonians before and have never seen one eat as much as you. You eat like a soldier in training," Aldous responded quite seriously.

Suddenly shy, I drew away. "It's a genetic thing. Some of us need more energy than others."

"I'll have one of the guards run down the kitchen," Stark advised and moved to the door. Sticking his head out, he spoke quietly to someone outside. When Stark came back, Aldous called him over to witness our signatures.

"It looks like you didn't need to sign on her behalf after all," Aldous quipped under his breath to the prince. Saboa glared at him but moved around the table to me. Running his hand down the outside of my covered arm, he took my hand in his again.

"Would you have done that to me?"

"Yes," he answered honestly.

Stark finished signing his signature and then went to the door calling Hartwin to sign as a witness. Once they finished, Aldous signed, then gathered up the contracts filing them away. "Congratulations, Prince Saboa. You have your companion. Did the Princess decide where she would like your first public appearance to be?"

"Tomorrow is Fredag. I usually go to Fastlandet and visit one of the schools. I haven't got my schedule, but I think I was due at Mymark in the morning."

Aldous looked to the prince, who only nodded once. "Fine, I'll let the Broadcasters know where you will be. I'll see you both in the morning."

"Good night, Aldous." Saboa waited until he got to the door. "And Aldous?" Aldous turned to look at him. "Let's keep the finer details of the joining and how it came about in-house. I'd prefer the Praldians celebrate this union."

Aldous nodded but stepped through the door without another word.

"Are your councilmen unhappy about your choice in a companion?"

"No, but Aldous wouldn't hesitate in revealing Saboa's power over you in this joining," Hartwin answered, taking a seat on the opposite sofa with his father. He looked at me studiously. "You need to eat, Princess. You're running on empty again."

Stark gave his son the slightest nudge with his thigh. Saboa looked at Hartwin, interested. "How could you tell?"

"Her eyes," Hartwin answered matter-of-factly. "They become more congealed when she's deprived herself. They were like that this afternoon. Soon as she'd eaten, they were liquid pools again."

Taking my chin in his hand, Saboa studied my eyes. "Huh, you're right."

Jervaise entered with a tray of food. "I found Ost, Kex, and cabanossi." As soon as he put the tray on the table, I started eating.

Rising, Stark grabbed a bite, then walked Jervaise to the door. "I think I'll also retire for the night. Hartwin, I think just for tonight, the elite can stay in the outer quarters."

Hartwin nodded. "Shift change should be up in a minute. I'll let them know not to disturb unless it's an emergency." His father bowed to the prince, Jervaise doing the same before leaving. Hartwin sat forward, elbows on his knees, running his hands over his face.

"Something on your mind, Hart?" Saboa asked cautiously.

"I need to be honest with you," Hartwin started. "Zira and I have been friends for years. We haven't been in regular contact, but we've remained friends. I know her well enough to spot things like when she needs to eat or sleep or when she is angry enough that going swimming with her probably isn't a safe option."

"How close?" Saboa asked, his hand growing a little too tight around mine.

Hartwin smirked. "She knows about the girls you don't, but I've never discussed your business with her. Our conversations are only about us and our lives."

Saboa's hand relaxed. "Why would you tell her about certain lovers and not me?"

"Because you'd kick my ass, and she just laughs at me." Remembering some of the stories he'd told me, I smiled shook my head.

"And do you tell him about your lovers?" Saboa asked casually.
