Page 9 of Praldia

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"I know; she showed it to me two years ago," Saboa responded spitefully. "I summoned the physician, and my medic questioned him in front of me. The outcome was that you may be a late bloomer, that your womb was healthy, but you apparently were yet to cycle. I decided to take the chance that my medic was right and that your mother may have led the Praldian medic to believe what she wanted him to." Saboa watched me closely. "Why were you honest with me if your mother told you to hide it?"

"I have only ever been honest with you, Prince Saboa. You have given me a reason to believe that your intentions here are not what my parents feared, and I've always been a good judge in character. I'm hoping you won't give me a reason to regret it."

Dipping his head suddenly, Saboa kissed me. I wasn't expecting it. When I went to pull back, he held my neck to keep me there. Our eyes were open, watching each other as our lips moved gently against one another. He wasn't drowning in my eyes like most men would. He was entirely in control of his senses and his desire while he kissed me. Something about that stirred my own passions.

Closing my eyes, I turned my head slightly and opened my mouth a little. A cough from the table drew the prince back. He still held me as he turned to consider the two men in the room.

"I believe there will be plenty of time for that after the contracts are signed, Prince Saboa," Aldous objected, then returned to his meal.

Chuckling, Saboa released me, indicating the item I'd questioned him about. "So, now that we've cleared up the quantity issue, are there any other questions on that point?"

Licking my lips, I glanced to where he was pointing. "The first two to be born within the first five years of our joining? As I was trying to say, I'm—"

"Scared of what Abaddon will do?" Saboa interrupted. Shivering at the Barbarian's name, I nodded. "He tried to abduct you. Did you know that?"

Eyes wide and fearful, I shook my head. How much had my parents hidden from me?

"He sent an assassin and a team of men to kill your parents and bring you back to him when you were seventeen," Saboa informed me. "Apparently, it took him three years to find out where you were hiding. Your parents chose your country estate because it was surrounded by Commander Stark's and Councilman Burchard's estates. Both estates have armed guards present year-round."

The Commander allowed guards on leave to stay on his land, so there was always a rotation of around twenty men there, and Burchard kept a personal guard of ten men.

"The team the Barbarian sent made the mistake of trying to approach your estate via the Commander's," Saboa continued. "In fact, it was that event and the resulting interrogation of the one man who survived that exposed who you were to us. Until that moment, you were just another Avalonian refugee, high born, obviously. Still, when I first desired you, I had no idea you were the missing princess."

Saboa placed his hand over my trembling and cold hand tenderly. "What I'm saying is that we've been protecting you ever since then. We've had soldiers stationed at both residences keeping an eye on who comes and goes from your property. And yes, he has made a few more attempts, but by the third one, he accepted that unless he were willing to declare war, you were out of his grasp."

Whenever I didn't think I could get more surprised tonight, something else would just come along.

"Zira, you are now surrounded by over two thousand highly trained soldiers. Cyran soldiers at that. Until Hartwin informed us just how close Abaddon came to having you, we honestly didn't know why your family was so terrified of the Barbarian. I understand now that he must be the stuff of nightmares for you, but Zira, Abaddon will never touch you again. I promise you that."

Swallowing at the certainty in his voice, I tried to put the image of the Barbarian from my mind. "So, two kids in five years, two boys and one girl minimum?" I checked, and Saboa smiled. "I wonder if that book tells me how to conceive triplets?"

Saboa laughed, touching my cheek affectionately. "Sadly, my Princess, I am not Avalonian, and therefore cannot pick the sex of the child. Knowing our luck, we'd end up with three daughters instead."

"Now you are scaring me," I grumbled.

Saboa laughed again. I was starting to like that shy laugh of his. It was as if he rarely ever laughed and wasn't sure how to do it. Turning back to the contract, I kept reading, returning to my meal. Saboa relaxed, watching me for a few minutes before getting up to go and talk to Aldous and Stark about some other issues. Several pages later, I found myself on the brink of tears. "You're giving it back to me? Why?"

Turning from the men to face me, Saboa set his hands behind his back as he leaned over to see what part of the contract I was referring to. "I have no need of your parent's money or their properties, Zira. You were innocent, so they will be transferred to your name once you confirm you carry our first child. Until then, the money will be held in trust, and the staff you already have will be paid their usual wages to keep the properties in good condition."

I studied him for a moment. "But I can't return home to live?"

"Not yet." Saboa took a step closer. "Right now, you are safer here and more so when you conceive the first time. It's written in the contract that after the first child is born, we will reassess your safety. If you are no longer under threat, we can discuss your moving home. Though, I'm hoping that by then, the idea of being away from me for that long will be unbearable for you."

"It's not about you," I consoled. "I'm not cut out for being around a lot of people. I like the peace the country holds."

Leaning forward, Saboa smirked. "Give living here a chance, Zira. My side of the palats is quieter than you think." He sobered, resuming his serious voice. "No matter where you live, from now on, you will always have a minimum of two elite with you at all times. The only time they will not be in the same room is when you are in bed or in the bathroom. Even in residence, there will be one inside our quarters with you day or night; the second will stay in the outer rooms. This is not negotiable."

Since I didn't object to this, I swallowed, returning to reading the contract. "Saboa?" I said his name without his title tentatively.

"Luther. My name is Luther. When we are here in our room, that's what I'd like you to call me."

Biting my lip for a second, I took a deep breath. "Luther, sell the city residence and donate the money to the native schools. We can make it my first act as your companion to have negotiated that as part of our joining."

Bowing his head slightly, Luther nodded to Aldous, who scribbled something down before they returned to their conversation, and I continued reading.


Taking a deep breath, I scribbled my name on the last page of the contract where Saboa already signed. Then I started autographing each page in the Prince's copy. My hand was trembling terribly. Even to me, my signature was barely recognizable.
