Page 20 of Praldia

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"Last night. I'm not sure if it worked, obviously. But it felt different. As if by trying to control the release, it takes some of the… intensity out of it."

"Shall we try it now?" I asked beneath my breath, looking sidelong at him.

Standing, Luther shook his head. "Ellery said…"

"He said not to get rough, Luther. Do Cyrans honestly not know how to be with a woman without ripping her clothes off and slamming her against the wall?"

Shrugging, Luther shook his head. Placing a hand on his chest, I pressed him back to rest on his desk. Leaning into him, I kissed his lips gently. "Then let me teach you how an Avalonian woman can love a man. Sit on the desk."

He did as I asked, watching with growing intensity as I touched the release on my robe, and it fell open in front. When Luther reached out to grab me, I caught his wrist. Taking his hand to my breast, I moved my hand over his to show how he should touch me slow and tenderly. Pressing my hand over his hardness, I stroked it slowly through the cloth. Luther moaned, his head lolling back slightly.

Touching the release on his uniform so that it gaped open, I exposed his heavily muscled chest to me. Lowering my mouth, I dropped tender kisses over his sun-hued flesh. My hand released the weave on his pants as I lifted my mouth to his, kissing him slow and deep.

When I climbed up onto the desk to straddle him, Luther slipped back further to make more room for me. His hand gripped behind my neck as I slid over him, kissing me so deeply it left me breathless.

When Luther released me, he rested back on his elbows, smiling up at me wondrously as I started to move over him. "Show me how to touch you," he instructed.

Running my hands up my thighs, over my abdomen to my breasts, I showed him how he should hold my breasts while he teased my nipples. Placing his hand to mine, I showed him all the places on my body that would delight me.

Luther wasn't lying that day in the throne room; he was an adept lover. With only the slightest guidance, he took over competently. His restraint was visible in his bunched muscles and the set of his jaw as he held back from taking control and taking what he wanted from me.

As things progressed to a higher intensity, his hands took small sojourns to increase my pleasure as we reached the crescendo together.

Swelling inside me, Luther gripped my hips hard. His eyes closed, breathing controlled as he staved off that last indulgence a little longer. Wondering what it would be like to bring a new life to being within me, my eyes drifted to the book on the desk. After all, it's what I was raised to do.

Warmth spread through my core as I reached the pinnacle of pleasure. Yanking my neck forward, Luther kissed me passionately. The way he held my face to his as I moved over him unsteadily only made the fire of our desire burn hotter.

"Give me a son, Zira," he whispered to my lips. My eyes sprang open. The depth in Luther's eyes was hypnotizing. "Give us a son," he demanded more forcefully.

His pleasure exploded within me, taking mine with it. It was the most intense sensation I'd ever experienced. Lying on his desk, almost curled over Luther with my head on his chest, I focused on regaining my breath.

Anberon's voice made me jump when the comms buzzed to life. Luther cuddled me tighter. "Prince Saboa, King Saboa is in the queue for you." Realizing that Anberon kept the King on hold until they could hear that we were finished, I gasped.

Smiling as I pulled away from him, Luther righted his pants but didn't bother to close his shirt. "I'll talk to the king, then I'll come to bed, Zira." Sealing my robe, I smiled as he kissed me before putting his mouth to my ear. "The best part just now is that from the word-go, it was me you were with."

"You knew?"

"I knew it would take you time to warm to me, Zira. I didn't mind. You were doing what you needed to do to get things started. But even that first night, it was my face you were focused on by the end. That was enough."

"I wish you'd disobeyed my parents and courted me when I came of age, Luther. You would have been a fantastic first lover."

Kissing my forehead, Luther smiled. "I would have been your only lover." Smacking my bum playfully, he pushed me towards the door. "Go to bed and rest. When I get in there, we'll be doing this again."

Activating the comms before I could respond, an older version of Luther burst to life in front of the window. The king looked over his son's half-dressed state and scowled. "Have you been fighting?"

Luther laughed. "Quite the opposite, Father. I'm newly joined and have been practicing the method of procuring you a grandson."

"So, your companion has warmed to you despite the circumstances of your joining?"

Shifting his eyes to me, some of Luther's joy dropped away. "I wouldn't force…"

The king's digitalized three-dimensional image turned, observing me as I opened the office door. "I was referring to her saving your life today, Luther. She was raised a princess. I had no doubt she would perform her companion duties willingly, even if she wasn't enthusiastic about the joining. I can't say I blame you for partaking several times daily with a beauty like that to sate yourself with."

Dropping my face to hide my anger at his words, I curtsied. The king bowed his head. Sliding the door closed, all the elite eyes stayed intent on their game. I was under no illusion they hadn't heard at least half of what just took place. They were doing me the honor of not trying to make me self-conscious about it.

Relieved at their consideration, I moved lightly to the inner quarter's door. I doubted the king meant to be offensive. He was right about my upbringing, and while I understood what was expected of me, it didn't make it any easier to hear.

"Guess I'm out," Erhaird laughed, standing to resume his post.
