Page 21 of Praldia

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The outer door opened. "Kvällsmat," one of the Praldian kitchen staff called.

The elite all stood to move to the large meals table while the staff set out the late-night banquet for the night shift. Making my way to the table, I pulled out a chair, causing everyone to stop and watch me.

"Princess?" Erhaird cleared his throat.

"I'm starving," I whined.

"I can bring some food in for us."

"Or, I can eat here with everyone like I would at home and not feel so alone." Erhaird looked to Anberon, so I looked between them. "Look, I need to eat. I'm perfectly safe here with you, and it stops me staring at the ceiling pining for my old bed and home. The Prince can collect me on his way to bed for round two."

Smirking, Anberon nodded. All the men returned to filling their plates. They gossiped quietly about councilmen or the high society ladies. I didn't want to be alone feeling vulnerable as I did. The elite were the perfect distraction.

By the time Saboa emerged from his office, I was curled up on the lounge watching the elite play Kort. I was trying to understand the game, but without seeing their hands, I was only getting a general gist.

Tilting his head in curiosity about my presence among the men, Luther said nothing as he took the empty seat next to me. Without asking, he was dealt in on the next hand. Snuggling into his side, I watched him play. By the second hand, he was tapping select panels in his hand as relevant tickets were tabled, so I could understand what the best to play was.

"How did the King react?" Anberon finally asked as he dealt the third hand.

"He is declaring war. I'm to return to Cyra tomorrow to discuss strategies and make plans. I'll be gone three days at least. Let my guard know at shift change. We'll disembark from the airfield after breakfast."

"And the Princess?"

"Will be remaining on Praldia, Erhaird. It's safer than putting her in unfamiliar territory. The barbarian knew we were joined before the word even reached the Metasystem. I'm sure we have a spy in our midst. Taking her somewhere there is a higher population of Avalonians would be like dropping her at the door to the Avalonian throne room."

Cyra was one of the central planets. Therefore, it was subjected to high populations of mercenaries and traders from the surrounding systems. Automatically, I shivered.

Pulling me into his lap, Luther cupped my face in his large hands. "You will be safe here, Zira. Even if they are suicidal enough to attack, you will have your elite and two thousand royal guards here to protect you." When his lips touched mine, I closed my eyes. "I think it's time for bed." Rising, Luther dropped my feet to the ground, and we walked hand in hand.

Erhaird and Anberon stood simultaneously, following us into the inner quarters. Once we were closed away in the bedroom, Saboa practiced touching me how I'd taught him. When we reached climax, we both concentrated on the method of conception.


Luther woke me by nuzzling my neck. "Wake up, Zira. We only have a short time until I have to leave."

When I mumbled something unintelligible, he chuckled. "This morning, let's forget about heirs and just enjoy each other."

Moaning agreement into the pillow, I didn't move from my tummy. A moment later, I was wide awake, moaning in a different key. It ended all too soon. Eating breakfast in the sitting room, our two in quarter elites for the morning, Hartwin and Kylar, sat with us. "Hartwin, I want you to swap shifts with Erhaird during my absence."

Hartwin looked from me to Luther. "Did he step out of line last night? I wouldn't think you would have an issue with the Princess having a bite to eat with the elite while she waited for you?"

Luther shook his head. "No, but he's not a close friend, and I want someone I can trust with the Princess in my absence." When Hartwin tilted his head and furrowed his forehead, Luther sighed. "Kylar, go get me a progress report on our departure. Make sure everyone understands what we are doing."

Leaving his food without a word, Kylar closed the door behind him, aware that the Prince wanted privacy. "Hart, I trust you with her. I want you here of a night in case she needs someone to hold her while she sleeps."

"No," Hartwin answered without even considering. "If anyone found me in your bed with her, it would start some pretty nasty rumors, Luth. I don't want that. You don't need that. With her parents recently executed for treason, Zira doesn't deserve that."

"So, don't use the bed," Luther replied calmly. "Let her cuddle up to you on the couch. Once she's asleep, put her to bed. Blackness! Sit out and play Kort with the elite all night and let her fall asleep next to you, so there isn't any hint of secrecy about it. Just make sure she sleeps and that she feels safe."

Kylar returned to the table. "Twenty minutes, Prince Saboa. Everyone is ready."

"In that case, Elite Hartwin, Elite Kylar. I'd like that twenty minutes privately with my companion."

Both the elite rose and left the room. Laughing, Luther dragged me to the sofa with him. It was a torrid encounter that left me breathless beneath him. "Luther, what if they still attack you? You have to coast past Avalonia to reach Cyra."

"They won't."

"Don't get arrogant, Luther. Arrogance is the first fatal step to the downfall of power."
