Page 30 of Praldia

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"I'll call Medic Ellery to check you over. He should have your records from Medic Nyla by now." There was only the faintest touch of displeasure in his voice.

"Could you call him now? And can I eat my breakfast in here?" With my robe was secured, I slumped back down under the covers.

Luther frowned at me. "You really feel that drained?" I nodded. "Could your time in the ocean have made you ill?"

"It would be a first for an Avalonian, but I'd never spent so long dissipated either. Maybe it stuffed something up being gone that long."

Luther pulled out his comms, typing something into it as he sat on the bed beside me. "Dissipated… is that what you were doing in the bath that day I could not find you?" Eyes drifting closed, I nodded again. Luther shook my shoulder gently. "You need to eat."

Opening my eyes, Jervaise stood beside the bed with a plate of toast. He placed it on the platform that supported the bed. Picking up a slice, I took a bite, eating it slowly.

"Has she been like this since the attack?"

Jervaise shook his head, the worry clearly evident on his features. "She had recovered by the second day, but has been a lot more sluggish since and fluctuating."

Ellery came in concerned as soon as he saw me. He put his bag on the other side of the bed, took out his monitor, and placed it over my eyes. "According to her records, she is not running at her prime. I would say she is quite sick, but I am not sure with what. I know you are not going to like this, Prince Saboa, but I think we need Medic Nyla."


"My Prince, your companion is ill, and I have no idea why. If this is related to her species, then we need a Medic of her species."

Luther stood fiercely. "Until Medic Nyla is cleared as having no contact with her previous employer, she will not be setting foot in this palats."

"Medic Ellery" –I pushed myself to sit— "do you have any more hälsodryck? It may help."

Ellery nodded. "Jervaise, could you run to my office and grab the silver bottle from my medical supply fridge, please?"

Luther's comms buzzed. He took it out, looking at the screen. "I need to go tend to something. I will be back in an hour to check on you, and then, if you are up to it, we need to talk."

My companion left, shooting a final look of warning to the medic before he shut the doors. Ellery took his place on the bed next to me. "Do you have any idea what this could be, Princess?" I shook my head. "None at all?" Shaking my head again, I leaned back on the wall behind me. Ellery placed his hand over mine. "Nyla advised that when an Avalonian woman is with child, food alone will not sustain her. You improved vastly the day you were drinking the hälsodryck."

"No, it's too soon. I don't even know how to. I mean, I read the book and understand the theory, but I haven't even really tried yet."

"Yes, Luther and I discussed the book and the implications of you actually having the control over conceiving."

Understanding what Ellery was saying without actually saying it, I huffed. "I'll do my duty, Medic Ellery. I signed a contract saying he'd have his heir in five years. I will abide by it."

Jervaise entered carrying the hälsodryck and a glass. He handed it to Ellery, who poured a dose and gave me the glass to drink. "He is stubborn, Ellery, and he will lose her if he does not risk letting Nyla examine her."

Ellery sighed heavily. "If she is not up and walking within the hour, send a new elite to fetch Medic Nyla personally under my instruction. I will take the fallout."

Jervaise nodded. Ellery left, but Jervaise lingered. "Princess, may I ask a question?" I nodded, slipping back down to lying. "Did Hartwin hurt you?"

I frowned in confusion. "What? No. Why would you think that?"

Jervaise shrugged. "He was angry after what happened with your uncle. He came in here yelling at you and left even angrier. When the Prince arrived last night, he requested a private audience and was relieved of night duty an hour later. Today, you are weaker than the past two days. It is just conjecture."

Shaking my head, I sighed. "My current lack of energy and his anger are not connected. I dare say the shift change is unrelated also." A feeling of dread buried itself in my core. Hartwin must have told Luther about us when he returned, which meant Luther knew coming to bed this morning. Not daring to speculate, I closed my eyes. I was only partially aware of the glass slipping from my hand as I was swept into the darkness before my next heartbeat.

* * *

Openingmy eyes to bright daylight pouring through the window and a soft hand touching my face. "There you are, child," Nyla's singsong voice soothed as she disposed of a hypodermic.

"Nyla? You shouldn't be here."

"Shh. The men fight in the other room, unaware you are awake. Let's focus on you, child. Drink." She handed me a glass of hälsodryck, but it was enough for three doses. "Drink and don't question me." By the time the last drop passed coolly over my tongue, I felt ten times better. "Good. It seems you need a stronger dose."

Realizing my robe was open beneath the sheet, I shuffled it closed. "You examined me while I slept?"
