Page 39 of Praldia

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"Closed period?" I still didn't turn to look at him.

"Your mother told you nothing, did she?" Moving closer, Luther took me in his arms and hugged me from behind. "When a woman is with child for more than a month, she is no longer receptive to her companion's attention."

Unable to help it, I burst out laughing. When I turned to look at Luther, he was appeared put out by my outburst. "Luther, I am trying my damndest right now not to let you have me because I'm angry at you. But, trust me, I desire you quite strongly, probably more so than before I was with child."

"Really?" Luther gave me a calculating look. "So, if I did this?" He moved his hand, brushing my nipple.

"Luther," I gasped, "I'm angry, remember?"

Turning my face to his, Luther smiled, victory already evident on his features. "Then you should not have told me you want me." He kissed me fiercely.

* * *

"Commander Stark,make arrangements for rooms to accommodate Medic Nyla, her companion, and son."

"We are moving them within the palats, Prince Saboa?"

"Within the residence," Luther answered without looking up from his breakfast. "The Princess will need Medic Nyla to be close by for several more months, and she will be teaching Medic Ellery how to care for the Princess during that time. Though, she may need to be here for a full year while the Princess recovers."

"But she is looking so much better already." Stark was obviously suspicious. I couldn't blame him. No one but the Elite, Ellery, and Padget lived in the Prince's residence.

"She can relapse at any moment, and Ellery agrees it would be highly beneficial to have Medic Nyla close." Swallowing another mouthful of his breakfast, Luther entirely ignored the glare I was giving them both for talking about me as if I wasn't here.

"Once that is done, fetch Ravid for me to talk to after lunch. I have a lot to deal with today, but I should catch up by lunchtime and be ready to continue planning our strategy.”

"Yes, Prince Saboa." Dipping his head, Stark pivoted on his heel and left the room.

"Hartwin." Luther finally looked up, but his eyes were on me as he set his plate aside. "The Princess is confined to quarters until further notice."

Dropping my fork on my plate, I glared angrily at Luther.

"Consider it punishment for last night's temper tantrum, Zira. Argue with me about it, and I will extend it for the period of your illness."

Smiling peacefully as I stood from the table, I batted my lashes. "Do that, and I'll pull the plug in the bath just before I dissipate, and you can spend the next week trying to find me." Stepping away from the table, I walked to the bedroom and shutting the doors on Luther's quiet chuckle.

Moving to the windows overlooking the ocean, I sighed, running my hand over the fixed glass. If only the windows opened, so I could smell the sea, feel the breeze on my face, and get a lungful of fresh air. I missed walking around my estate each day. I missed visiting the schools and villages of the hard-working Praldians whose blood, sweat, and tears made the planet's wealth, even though they barely saw a cent of it. While I knew Luther was just trying to keep me safe, circumstances being what they were, I felt like I was hiding and losing who I was in the process.

Over an hour later, Jervaise slid the doors open, startling me. "Sorry, Princess, but the engineer is here to assess the damage to the room." Acknowledging him, I kept pacing. Jervaise stood watching me for a few seconds. "I will need to ask you to step into the sitting room with your guard while the engineer is in here, Princess."

Letting out a huff of breath, I resigned myself. It wasn't Jervaise's fault, after all. "Of course."

Moving into the sitting room, I found my full day shift of Elite spread around the room. Clovis jumped up off the lounge to give me a seat to myself, but I moved to the window and started pacing again like the caged animal I was.

The glint of sun off the turquoise ocean waters flashed in the corner of my eye with every about-face, mocking my confined status. The engineer was escorted into the room between Jervaise and Erhaird, successfully blocking the small Praldian's view of me. They shut the bedroom doors just as the engineer let out a curse not fit for a Princess's ears.

"Princess, you are making us tense," Hartwin finally announced, stepping into my path. "You should sit and read. You have always loved reading."

Glaring at him, I turned my eyes to the five Elite sitting in the room watching nervously. "Clovis, when you finish your shift today, what will you do?"


"Will you go back to your room, shut the door, and stay there until your next shift? Would you do that every night?"

"Blackness, no, Princess. I would go stir crazy."

"How about the rest of you? How would you feel being locked up in a room, day in and day out for stars knows how long?" I looked at each of them in turn. None were willing to meet my gaze.

"We get you are upset, Princess," Hartwin sympathized. "Circumstances being what they are, there is nothing to be done. Please just sit down and relax a little? The second break should be here soon, so all I ask is that you sit until you have eaten again."
