Page 49 of Praldia

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"Let's not get overzealous and radical, Luther. In Avalonia, it is the female blood that holds power, and therefore, it should be the female who holds the throne. Cyra relies on physical strength, and that has always been a male trait."

Luther kissed me then held me tight. "I do not, in any way, hold Hartwin against you, Zira. Not your past or what nearly happened here. If you choose to take him as your lover, I will not be angered or jealous. Anberon is right. You are to trust him with your life. Having him as your lover is the greatest sign of trust you could give. None of the Elite would blink at it, nor would they converse it."


"Wait, hear me out." Luther squeezed me tighter. "Ravid has explained that an Avalonian woman is quite the opposite to a Cyran when it comes to desire and being with child. Apparently, your sex drive will only increase until you start to labor. From that point, your appetite will disappear for up to six months following birth.

"Apparently, I will not need a lover while you are with child. In fact, I may well be exhausted by your demands. But afterward, I may wish to take one until you show interest again. I think possibly, while I am busy daily with my duties, it may be a good thing to have someone who can take on that side of my duties."

Eyes wide at his suggestion, I started shaking my head. Luther caught my face in his hands. "I am not saying you must, Zira. I am saying that I am the throne of this world and the Prince and future King of Cyra. I have duties to both worlds which cannot be put aside to sate your needs. There will be times you need me, and I will need to turn you away, Zira. You can say no now, but in three months, maybe even six, if I turn you away and you fall to Hartwin, I will not be angered or jealous. In fact, by what Ravid has told me, I might be damn well relieved."

"Surely, if an Avalonian man can cope?"

"They do not cope." Luther smiled. "It is not spoken about or acknowledged, but it is quite often expected that a man's brother will assist him when it becomes too much. He explained that for the lesser powers, a companion may have no trouble coping. But the more powerful the woman, the more persistent her needs will be." Luther smirked. "You admitted yourself you are the most powerful female in centuries. I suspect, using just this past week as a foundation, that you will be insatiable by the end."

Gawping at Luther, I struggled to even consider taking a lover. "I… I can't even comprehend this."

Nodding understanding, Luther kissed me thoroughly. Our clothes were thrown to the corner within minutes. He was right about one thing. If my desires just the past few days were a baseline, the next few months were going to be quite interesting. I couldn't help but smile to myself as he touched me with well-practiced ability. If nothing else, I could definitely enjoy having the excuse to spend more time in his arms at the mercy of his pleasure.

"Luther?" I laughed breathlessly as I watched him redress from where I laid on the bed. Finally, he turned to look at me with a significant smile of his own. "Can I just declare I'm insatiable now and demand you come back to bed?"

He stopped dressing; pants pulled up but not closed, shirt hanging open. Looking at the light outside the window, Luther slid the shirt off as he stepped back to the bed. "You have until lunch, or the last of the guard leave the training field, whichever occurs first.”


The throne room was packed full for the sentencing. The Councilmen took up the seats on the left, their families and staff crowded into the back of the room, wanting to hear everything firsthand. It would seem the entire palats turned out. The Broadcasters were set up to the far-right, live streaming their second sentencing of treason in a month. In the petitioner's circle, Padget stood surrounded by the Royal Guard. Her beautified eyes painted her cheeks where her silent tears ruined her perfectly applied embellisher.

"Padget Fanchon, you have been found guilty of conspiracy to commit treason," Councilman Aldous announced. Of course, everyone expected outright treason, and the sudden hum of astonishment around the throne room mirrored the surprise on Padget's face. "Do you wish to say anything more before the throne passes sentence?"

The room would have been quiet except for the buzzing whispers of the Broadcasters narrating for the public. "I… I would address the Princess."

There were disagreeable mumbles throughout the throne room. Swallowing, I stepped forward to stand beside Luther's throne. He didn't glance up at me, just nodded to his half-sister. "It was not personal, Princess. I never wished you harm or malice. I was assured neither of you would be hurt. I was deceived by my own family just as you were. I want to thank you for finding it in your heart, after what happened, to give me this last bit of kindness."

Luther kept his eyes focused forward, but I knew he'd told Padget that I petitioned him for a kinder sentence. Swallowing, I was unable to say anything I would have wanted in reply. Not here, not in front of the whole of Praldia as it were. Luther stood, instantly absorbing the focus allowing me to step back beside Commander Stark.

"Padget, you have been found guilty and have admitted to your part in the attempted abduction of the Princess. Therefore, you are sentenced to enslaved banishment. You will be escorted to Cyra. You will be enslaved to my mother, the Queen of Cyra, to be served as she best wishes. If you are ever found to have returned to Praldia, you will be put to death."

Shock echoed through the room. It was said enslavement in the mines of Praldia would be preferred over enslavement to either the King or Queen of Cyra. The last person enslaved to the queen by her husband was sold to a cruel Meta mercenary as a plaything. I'd made Luther extract a promise of kindness from his mother. He hadn't confirmed what arrangements he made with me, but I could only hope he ensured that other than hard labor, Padget would be well looked after.

Luther turned his back on the petitioner's circle. Around the room, everyone followed suit. All except the guards and Broadcasters. Commander Stark took my elbow, turning me to face our Elite. Padget was now shunned. My eyes locked with Hartwin's. For what occurred between the two of us, the people on my own planet may one day do the same to me if they ever found out. When a tear fell down my cheek, Hartwin blinked slowly.

There was movement behind us, the royal guard escorting the banished Padget from the room. When she was gone, Anberon nodded once to Luther. We turned back to the room. "Bring forward the next criminal."

A ruckus in the back of the room produced another Praldian woman. Much shorter than Padget, though similar in appearance. She held herself like a woman who'd been beautiful in her prime, but that beauty had fled her with age. Blinking, I had a moment to recognize the woman before Aldous started reading out her charges. "Blanche Fanchon, you are charged with treason…"

Placing my hand on Luther's shoulder, I bent to his ear. "I need to talk to you."

He patted my hand. "After the trials," he replied quietly.

"No, now, my Prince." Meeting my eyes at my insistence, Luther nodded, bringing the room to sudden silence when he stood.

Without explaining to anyone, Luther walked around the throne to meet me immediately in front of Hartwin and Anberon. "Make it quick, Zira."

"I know this woman." Luther's eyebrows jumped up, as did the Captains of our guard. "She was a friend of my mother's. A good friend. I never had anything to do with her. Still, there were plenty of times I arrived at the city residence, and my mother would hustle that woman out of my presence quickly."

"She did not want you to have anything to do with her?" Luther queried.

"I think so. I found it peculiar, but it didn't click until after my parent's execution. My Prince, this woman approached me after they were killed. Until you came for me, I only left the estate twice. Both times to visit a dying Praldian who worked with me to help the natives. She must have followed me and cornered me." I was speaking so fast that I don't know how Luther could understand me.
