Page 35 of No Pucking Way

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I nodded, telling myself I was touch-starved, and that was why his touch felt so good. It could be anyone…it wasn’t him.

Jack leaned in. “Good girl,” he whispered, and I turned into a puddle, the words reverberating through me.

I wondered if the old me had liked the sound of those two little words as much as I was liking them now.

His grin grew wider, like he could see my thoughts, and then he ordered more drinks for Carrie and me.

“So Jack,” Carrie said with a curl to her lip. “Why are you here?” She winked at me afterwards like she knew she was doing me a favor.

Jack had an arm slung around the back of my chair, and the warmth of his skin against my bare skin was a bit addicting.

Okay…it wasa lotaddicting.

I really was drunk.

“Couldn’t stay away,” he said. I glanced at him, because even in my lemon shot fueled stupor, I could hear the distress in his tone.

“Why is that a bad thing?” I asked, and he just shook his head, his finger reaching up and tracing my lips…effectively distracting me.

The hours clicked by, with Jack continuing to supply us with drinks, nursing a beer in his hand that I didn’t really see him drinking. My head was currently thrown back as I laughed hard about a story he was telling us about his rookie year.

“You didn’t do it. Tell me you didn’t,” Carrie cackled as she slapped her hand down. The alcohol flowed freely, and our laughter became increasingly raucous. The bar seemed to spin and sway with the rhythm of our merriment, and it was as if the complications of life had temporarily vanished into the haze of intoxication.

Jack winked and lifted up his shirt, showcasing the hottest set of abs I’d ever seen…and a large bass fish withSebastianetched into the scales.

Carrie fell off her chair laughing so hard.

I of course had to be an idiot, and I reached out to touch the tattooed fish.

Jack flinched at my touch, but when I tried to rear back, he grabbed my wrist and kept my hand on his skin. I was trembling as I glanced up at his face, wondering if I’d just overstepped. But it wasn’t annoyance I saw…it was hunger. His golden gaze had darkened into simmering embers, and there was a faint flush to his cheeks.

“Love your touch, princess. But I only have so much control,” he said roughly.

Wow. I swooned in my chair, heat spreading through me. I was feeling…lusty all of a sudden.

“Shoooots!” Carrie yelled, having picked herself up off the floor and settled back in her chair. By now there was a crowd around us, all of them eager to get some facetime with the star NHL player in their midst. Jack had bought several rounds for the bar already, and by their cheer, they were ready for more.

“What brought you to the arena in the first place?” he asked later, when Carrie decided to have a deep conversation aboutdogswith the person sitting next to her.

I bit down on my lip, his mention of the arena reminding me there was something fishy…and confusing about Jack.

“I woke up with no memories years ago, and afterwards…I started wandering the streets, thinking maybe something would jog my memory. The hockey arena was the first place that did.”

“That’s how you found it?” he murmured, almost to himself.

“You seem familiar too,” I slurred, the alcohol making me bold. “Like we’ve met before?”

“Mmmh,” he said in response, handing me another shot.

And this one made me forget that he hadn’t actually answered my question.

The night continued, and it was hard to keep my eyes off of Jack. Did he know how hot he was?

“Yes,” he said, amusement glimmering in his gaze.

Hmmm. Didn’t think I’d said that out loud.

He was total book boyfriend material.
