Page 36 of No Pucking Way

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“You should fuck him,” said Carrie in a sing-song voice, looking like a hot mess with her hair everywhere and her eyes unfocused.

“Shhhhh. He’ll hear you!” I said, my eyes locked on Jack who was shaking his head as he stared at the two of us.

Carrie giggled. “I think he already did.”

“Dance with me,” Jack suddenly murmured, standing much closer than he had been just moments before. The air had taken on a sparkly effect, whirling around me like I’d found myself in some sort of fantastical wonderland…but dancing sounded like so much fun.

“Go!” Carrie said, lifting her drink. “I’ll keep talking about dogs.”

Jack snorted as he pulled me towards where people had been dry humping each other for the last few hours.

As we stepped out onto the dimly lit dance floor, the throbbing beat of the music enveloped us. The atmosphere was electric, the bass pulsating through my body as I swayed to the rhythm. In my inebriated state, everything felt heightened, and the dreamlike quality of the world around me continued.

I glanced up at Jack, my words slurring slightly as I spoke, "I think...I think this is my favorite song."

Jack chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he responded, "Is it now? Well, we're in luck then."

He didn’t seem like he believed me, but I also didn’t know if it was my favorite song or not…I just knew I really liked it at that moment.

The song that played had a sultry, sensual melody that seemed to resonate with the energy between us. As we moved together on the dance floor, there was a palpable tension in the air, a magnetic pull that drew us closer. It was as if the music had become a conduit for the unspoken emotions that simmered just beneath the surface.

Our bodies swayed in perfect sync, each movement deliberate and sensuous. I could feel Jack's strong arms around me, his hands guiding me with a gentle confidence that sent shivers down my spine. There was an undeniable chemistry between us, an unspoken understanding that transcended words.

As the song continued, the world around us faded away, and it was just Jack and me, lost in the rhythm and the allure of the moment. Our gazes locked, and for a heartbeat, time seemed to stand still.

"Why does it feel like we’ve done this before?" I whispered.

His fingers tightened against my skin, and there was a tic in his cheek as he stared beyond me.

“No questions tonight, okay?” he asked, his voice husky and filled with pent-up emotion.

If I was sober, I would have pushed back, demanded answers. But right then in his arms, I couldn’t find it in me to ask anything else. It just felt too good to be held like this. Like he’d been made just for me.

I’d had Carrie these last five years…but for the most part, I’d been alone.

I didn’t feel so alone right then.

I didn’t feel alone when I was with Greyson either…

I finally nodded, my throat tight with unspoken desire as I laid my head against his chest. I’d seen it though…a hunger in his eyes that mirrored my own, a longing just the same as me.

Our bodies pressed closer together. Suddenly, close wasn’t close enough. A wave of lust crashed over me. It was everything, the heat of his breath against my skin, the feel of his arms around me, his hard length pressing against my stomach.

I whimpered and his hand came up to cradle my head against his chest.

My drunk brain couldn’t figure out why I wanted to climb him like a tree.

Wantedwasn’t the right word.Desperatewas actually how I was feeling.

I lifted my head up, burning for the touch of his lips. His head bent, lips getting closer and closer…

“Fuck!” he swore, snapping his head up abruptly and shaking his head.

Shame and embarrassment coursed through me.

They were playing with me. Even my alcohol clogged brain could understand that.

I tried to push away and his arms tightened around me.

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