Page 8 of No Pucking Way

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I continued to watch her from the shadows, my heart pounding in my chest like it had just started beating again. Reconnecting with her wouldn't be easy. She had built a new life, surrounded by people who had no idea of her past, her true identity, or the love we had once shared. I had to tread carefully, to approach her with caution and patience. But I was willing to do whatever it took to bring her back into my life.

What I felt for her went beyond love. It was obsession. Need. I didn’t have a soul. I’d only ever had Kennedy.

And that had always been enough.

I didn’t know what to think about Kennedy's new life. We’d been her world before. And now she had friends, a job, even a new smile.

I didn’t like seeing her give her smiles out to other people.

They’d once belonged to me.

And soon, I’d have them back.

She left the rink and I followed discreetly. I kept my distance, always mindful not to be seen. Kennedy took her time, walking through the stench-filled crowded streets of the city, a small smile on her face.

She passed a small, shitty café, her eyes lighting up like it was a Michelin star restaurant.

I knew what was about to happen. It had happened every day.

She went up to the counter and stared at the menu. Hard. Her nose scrunched up in an adorable way that reminded me of a puppy.

I headed for a seat in the corner, keeping a watchful eye on her as I wound through the tables.

The barista was staring at her, a starstruck expression in his gaze that made me want to slit his throat.

She hadn’t noticed, and that was the only thing saving his life.

Kennedy asked for an iced white chocolate coffee with almond milk, and I smirked to myself as I pretended to look at my phone.

Another drink she was going to hate.

I couldn’t wait to see her eyes light up when I got her that first chai tea latte.

Followed by an orgasm.

A winning combination if I ever heard one.

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out. It was Sunny, my right hand man.

Shipment coming in at 11:30.

I huffed in annoyance. Because his text meant that instead of watching Kennedy sleep, I was going to have to make sure our latest shipment of guns made it to our warehouse safely.

Kennedy took a sip and grimaced immediately, just like she had all week. I wasn’t sure why she hadn’t tried something besides coffee, but she seemed bound and determined to find a coffee drink she liked.

There was a part of me that was comforted after seeing her skate and now this. She was the same, even if she didn’t remember.

Which meant I still had a home.

Kennedy forced herself to drink the whole thing, sighing as she threw it away and then walked outside.

The barista was still staring after her, and I glared at him until he noticed and his skin paled in fear.

I left the café and continued to follow her, staying inconspicuously behind her all the way to her shitty apartment. The one I was shocked hadn’t been condemned.

I hated the fact that she lived there. She deserved the mansion I had waiting for her.

I couldn’t wait to make that happen.

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