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“I’m so sorry for your loss. Take good care of yourself, Sophie.”

“I will. Thanks so much, Kara.”

Chapter Eleven

Sophie passed Max and his girlfriend coming into the building on Saturday as she was heading to the coffee shop. They exchanged hellos and Millie offered her condolences. “Max told me about your aunt passing. I’m so sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you.”

They looked like they’d just come from having breakfast somewhere. Max was holding a newspaper and Millie had a to-go box. Sophie was just trying to get through the weekend. She was anxious to start working on Monday, to keep busy and get into a routine. She wouldn’t feel as sad if she kept busy. It was the weekends that stretched out long and empty when time seemed to stand still. She didn’t have any friends in the city yet to hang out with.

She thought about calling Caroline or Tessa, but she didn’t want to bother them and wasn’t ready to talk about her aunt passing yet, either. She hadn’t really expected to keep in touch with them after she left the temp job. But now that she was going back, maybe they would be her first real friends in the city.

And now that she was staying here, she could get more involved and meet people. Her aunt had volunteered every other weekend at the Met for years and loved it. Sophie went online to see if there were any volunteer opportunities and there was a weekend opening. The Met was right on Fifth Avenue and would be an easy walk. Sophie filled out an application online and clicked submit. She had no idea if she’d be chosen, but at least she felt like she was doing something.

She went grocery shopping that afternoon at Whole Foods and stocked up on fresh fruits, veggies and chicken. She cooked the chicken when she got home and sliced it up to use in salads that she would bring into work. As she was thinking about what to do for dinner, she got a text message from Max.

“You in tonight? Up forMurdersand pizza?”

She smiled and texted back. “Definitely.”

“Great, how’s seven and pepperoni and mushroom?”

“Perfect. See you then.”

They’d started watchingOnly Murders in the Buildingwith Aunt Penny and had just started the second season.

Max knocked on the door at seven sharp and walked in with his arms full. He handed Sophie the pizza box, which smelled heavenly. He set his other bag down on the kitchen counter. “I got us salad too, with Italian dressing. So, we can feel a little healthier.”

Sophie laughed as she got paper plates and utensils. “Wine or water?” she offered.

Max grinned. “Wine of course.”

Sophie opened a bottle of merlot and poured two glasses. They loaded their plates with pizza and salad and settled on the living room sofa.

“So, how are you doing? Your parents have gone home?” Max asked.

She nodded. “They left the day after the funeral, after we met with the attorney about the will.”

“Any surprises there?” Max asked casually.

“Yes, actually. My mother was shocked that Aunt Penny left this apartment to me. I was shocked too. I never expected that.”

Max smiled. “Well, that’s great news.”

Sophie looked at him curiously. “You don’t seem surprised. Did you know her plans?”

“She may have mentioned to me a few months back that she was leaving it to you. She swore me to secrecy.” He grinned. “I think she knew you’d love it as much as she did. Your mother would have just sold it probably?”

Sophie sighed. “Yes, she was planning on listing it before they headed home.”

“They got the Hamptons house though, right?”

“They did. My father was more than fine with it. I think my mother’s nose was just a little out of joint.”

“She’ll get over it,” Max said as he reached for his pizza.

“It feels so strange to be here without Aunt Penny.” Sophie looked around the room. “I feel honored that she left it to me. I won’t ever sell it,” she said fiercely.
