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Sophie nodded. “I am in a better position now financially than I was before. I have some money saved and I have a little from Aunt Penny that I can dip into if needed. I’m trying not to touch that if I don’t need to, though.”

“I really think you might be good at it,” Caroline said. “And it is a lot of fun.”

“Another downside is that you will often need to work nights and weekends. If that’s when your clients want to see properties. Many of them work during the day and don’t want to take the time off,” Tessa said.

Sophie grinned. “That’s not a problem. I am pretty much available anytime.”

“Well, maybe you should try it then,” Tessa said.

“Maybe I will. I think I want to,” Sophie said. “I’ll sleep on it and see if I’m still as excited about the idea tomorrow.”

Chapter Fifteen

In the morning, Sophie felt a thrill of excitement. She’d wondered when she went to bed if she was just caught up in the moment—it was flattering that Rick had suggested that she think about moving into sales. But when she woke, she was even more interested. It felt like an opportunity that she should take. She liked the office, and she liked Rick’s energy. He was hugely successful and was still young. He’d just turned forty that year and opened his office ten years ago after working as an agent for a few years. Sophie thought that she could learn a lot from him and from the other agents.

She went in an hour early as she knew that Rick was usually the first person in, and he was generally there by seven after going to the gym. She found him in his office at seven thirty and he looked pleased to see her.

“Morning Sophie. You’re in bright and early. I like it.”

Sophie cleared her throat and took a deep breath. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure, come on in. Have a seat.”

She sat in the black leather chair that faced Rick’s desk. His office was big and looked out on Broadway. It was a bright, colorful office, but was minimally decorated, with a few black and white prints on the walls, a bookcase with a row of motivational business books and his desk itself was almost bare. It was made of sleek, glossy poured concrete and had a phone in one corner, a small lamp, a single manilla folder and a laptop.

“So, what’s on your mind?” Rick asked.

Sophie was still staring at his desk, fascinated. It almost looked like no one worked at it. She was used to having stacks of folders and paperwork all over her desk.

“How do you keep your desk so clean?” she asked.

He laughed, a deep rumbly laugh and looked thoroughly amused by the question. “I just process everything as it comes in and either deal with it, or file it away,” he said. “But I don’t think that’s why you wanted to talk to me?”

She smiled. “No, it’s not. I thought about what you said yesterday about moving into sales. I talked to Caroline and Tessa about it, and they told me the good and the bad. And I think I want to do it. I mean I know that I do. I’m really interested in real estate.”

Rick closed his laptop and gave her his full attention. “I’m very happy to hear that. I’ll talk to Andrea and have her call the agency to get a replacement for you ASAP. It might take a day or two, but they’re pretty fast.”

“Oh, that’s fine.” Sophie hadn’t expected things would move that quickly.

“Since you’re here already, why don’t you come to the eight o’clock sales meeting. You can record it or take notes, whatever you prefer. But it might be interesting for you to be there in person. We meet every Monday and it usually goes for twenty or thirty minutes.

You’ll need to study for the real estate test to get your license. We can send you to a weekend crash course. That’s the easiest way to do it—get it over with fast. And until you get your license, I’ll have you shadow me and a few of the other agents. It’s good to get out there in the field and see how we do things. Do you have any questions?”

“No. Not yet. I’m excited though.”

Rick grinned and stood. “Welcome aboard. I think you’re going to love it!” He shook her hand and Sophie nodded. “I think I will, too. Thank you for the opportunity.”

“I think you’re going to make us both a lot of money, Sophie. See you in the meeting.”

Sophie went back to her desk and felt like she was walking on a cloud—she was so excited and eager to start her new role. She logged on to her computer and checked email and kept an eye on the time. It was ten to eight. Tessa and Caroline walked in a moment later and Caroline came right over to the reception desk.

“Did you talk to him?” she asked.

“I did. It’s official. As soon as they find a replacement for me, I’ll start in sales. And I’m attending the morning meeting today.”

“That’s great. We’ll see you in there then,” Caroline said.

Tessa gave her a smile too. “Congrats!”

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