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Emily nodded. “That’s what Jim says, too. He’s not in any hurry, but he said it’s my call. Whenever I’m ready, we can start looking. Maybe I’ll pick your brain then.”

Sophie smiled. “Of course. I’d be happy to help.”

Their instructor started speaking again and they brought their attention back to the next lecture.

When the training was over everyone went their separate ways, and Sophie stopped off at the grocery store. She had the apartment to herself as both Caroline and Tessa were off with their boyfriends. She decided to try and cook something and was craving risotto. She’d looked up a recipe online and it didn’t look that hard. There was half of a rotisserie chicken in the fridge and a wedge of parmesan cheese. She bought arborio rice, chicken stock, mushrooms and spinach. The recipe also called for a little white wine, so she decided to have a glass of that as well and picked up a bottle of chardonnay.

When she passed by the bakery section of the store, a box of bite-sized brownies called to her, and she added those to her cart. She carried her bag of groceries home and was glad it was a short walk.

When she walked out of the elevator, Max was coming down the hall towards her. She hadn’t seen him since they’d had pizza at his place the previous Sunday night. He smiled when he saw her and glanced at her bag of food. “What are you up to?”

“I’m going to try and make risotto tonight. My first time.”

“Oh, that sounds good. What kind?”

“Nothing fancy, leftover rotisserie chicken and mushrooms and spinach.” She grinned. “And lots of cheese.”

“Perfect. I’m sure it will be great. Risotto is easy. A little time-consuming, but not too bad.”

“Where are you off to?” she asked. She assumed he was heading out to do something interesting.

“I’m heading to Duane Reade actually. Very late night with the guys yesterday and I’ve run out of Advil. Coming straight home and in for the night after that.”

He did look tired. Sophie felt for him. Being hungover was no fun.

“If you’re up for it, I could use some help eating the risotto. The recipe makes a ton,” she said.

He nodded. “Sure. I could come while you’re making it if you like and give you a few tips.”

“I’d love that. Why don’t you come around five thirty? I’m guessing no wine for you tonight?” she teased.

Max made a face at the mention of wine. “Not a drop. I’ll bring my bottle of Gatorade.”

Sophie sympathized. “I’m sorry you’re feeling so lousy. I also picked up brownies and we have vanilla ice cream. That might help you feel better.”

He grinned. “It just might. See you in a bit.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

Sophie had all the ingredients lined up on the counter for the risotto. She found a big cast iron soup pot that her aunt had that looked about the right size for the risotto. The recipe called for a half cup of white wine, so she’d chosen one of her favorite chardonnays. She’d read somewhere that if a recipe called for wine that you should pick one that you enjoyed drinking. She measured out a half cup and then poured herself a small glass as well, to sip on while she cooked.

At a few minutes past five thirty when she was about to start chopping the onion, there was a knock on the door. Max stood there, holding a giant blue bottle of Gatorade. He’d showered and looked more alive.

“Are you feeling better?” she asked as he followed her into the kitchen.

“Yes, much. It’s amazing what a shower, lots of water and Gatorade can do. I’m actually getting a little hungry, too.”

“I was just about to get started, so it shouldn’t take too long, I don’t think.”

“Maybe a half hour or so once you have the rice in the pan,” Max said.

He watched as Sophie measured out two tablespoons of butter and one of olive oil and added both to the big pot on the stove. A few minutes later, she added the chopped onion.

“Does your recipe suggest warming your broth? That makes it all go faster. I put a separate pot on the stove and dump the broth into it,” Max said.

Sophie glanced at the recipe. “No, it doesn’t mention that. I’ll do it, though.” She found a small pot and poured the chicken broth into it and set it on the burner over low to medium heat.

“Those onions look ready. You can add the rice now,” Max advised.
