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He took a bite. “Impressive.” He glanced around the room. “It’s a great listing, too. Seems decently priced, considering the appliances and some of the built-ins in the living room and office.” Both rooms had polished, custom-built wooden bookcases, that were staying with the unit.

“Thanks. The feedback has been pretty positive so far.”

Sophie looked up as a familiar face walked through the door. It was Rick Fulton. She was surprised to see him.

“Afternoon, Sophie. I was in the area and thought I’d drop in and have a look and see how things are going,” he said.

There was still a broker and two other potential buyers walking through the unit. Rick glanced at her sign-in sheet and saw that twenty-four people had signed in. Sophie wasn’t totally sure, but she thought that seemed like a decent amount. The hour had flown by, and it felt very busy. She’d been fielding questions the entire time.

“It has been pretty steady,” she said.

He nodded. “Nice turnout. I see a few broker names that I recognize too.” He sniffed the air. “Smells fantastic. Did you bake something?”

She smiled. “I made chocolate chip cookies. Have one.” She held the plate up.

He reached over and took one. “Well done. I’m going to have a quick look around.”

He wandered off and Max raised his eyebrows. “Your boss, I take it?”

“Yes. I’m sorry, I should have introduced you. I will when he comes back. I was just a little flustered. I didn’t expect to see him.”

“No worries. He seemed pretty happy.” Max grabbed another cookie and Sophie reached for one, too. The open house was over in ten minutes.

The broker and his client left, and the remaining potential buyer walked up to Sophie. He’d already signed in and seemed excited. “I didn’t expect to like this place so much. I’d like to come back tomorrow with my wife if that’s possible?”

“Of course! What time were you thinking?”

“We could come over at lunchtime if that works. I know you have a lot of people looking, so I want to move as fast as possible. We’ve lost out on two other properties,” he admitted.

“Are you already working with another realtor?” Sophie asked.

“No. This was months ago. We were so disappointed that we put our search on hold. And we weren’t crazy about the agent we were working with. The communication was frustrating. This is your listing, right?”

Sophie nodded. “Yes. But if your wife doesn’t like it, we can look at other things. We can talk about that more tomorrow. I’ll call the seller when I leave here and confirm that we can do that time tomorrow and I’ll text you after.”

“Excellent. I look forward to it. You don’t have any offers yet, I hope?” He looked concerned.

Sophie shook her head. “Not yet. This is a new listing and first open house.”

“Good. We’ll see you tomorrow then. I’ll watch for your text.”

He left and Rick sauntered over wearing a Cheshire cat grin. “Well, that sounded promising. Were there any others that seemed interested?”

“A few actually. One of the brokers said if his clients weren’t interested, that he might have one or two others to show it to. And I picked up two new buyers, well three counting this last guy.”

“Excellent. You’re doing a great job, Sophie. You’ll be ringing the bell soon, I can feel it.”

Sophie laughed. “Rick, this is Max Bennett. He’s my neighbor.”

Rick held out his hand. “Great to meet you. My sister loves your books.”

Max smiled and shook his hand. “Please thank her for me.”

“Will do.” Rick turned his attention back to Sophie. “I’ll get out of here so you can pack up. See you in the office tomorrow.”

Rick left and once he was gone the apartment felt quiet.

“He’s an energetic guy,” Max commented.

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