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Caroline nodded. “That’s what I’m thinking.”

Sophie was tempted to mention her new buyer again but kept quiet. She was excited though, about Caroline’s new listing, given the location.

They all decided to splurge and ordered cannoli for dessert. Sophie loved the classic Italian dessert with the crispy pastry shell and creamy ricotta filling. They all had leftovers and walked home carrying their to-go bags. It had been a fun night and overall, one of the best days Sophie could remember. She felt full and happy and grateful for her new friends. When they reached the apartment, they watched TV for a bit. The delicious food and wine made them sleepy, and they all went to bed early. As Sophie drifted off, she sighed happily and looked forward to what tomorrow would bring.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Sophie went in early the next day. She wanted to pull together as many potential properties for Emily as possible. Based on their brief conversation, she found about eight potential units, plus the upcoming listing later that week from Caroline. She put them all into a folder and planned to have the laptop with her in their meeting and, based on Emily’s must haves, she would show her whichever listings most closely fit her wish list.

But at nine thirty, her phone rang, and it was Emily.

“Sophie I am so, so sorry to do this, but I need to push our meeting out a week or two. Things have suddenly gotten crazy here and I need to wait a bit. I hope that’s ok?”

“Of course,” Sophie answered automatically. It was the only thing she could say. She hoped that they would reschedule. “Just let me know when you have time and we’ll set a new meeting.”

“Will do. Thanks so much. I won’t be at the in-person training on Saturday either. We’re heading out of town to Jim’s family in Connecticut.” She sounded anxious and worried, and Sophie guessed that maybe a family member was ill.

“It’s no problem at all. We’ll talk soon,” Sophie said.

“What happened? Did your big deal fall through already?” Tessa teased her as she settled at her desk.

Sophie laughed. “No, not yet. That was a new client that just pushed out our meeting. She said she’ll call when she’s ready to come in. Hopefully in a week or two.”

“That happens. As much as we like to think we are everyone’s top priority, we’re not,” Tessa said.

Sophie realized it was very true. Especially when there were other more important things happening in someone’s life. Buying a new house could go on the back burner.

That Sunday, after spending the weekend at her boyfriend Cody’s house, Tessa came home in a mood. She stormed into the apartment, glared at Caroline and Sophie and went straight into her room and didn’t emerge for a half hour. Sophie and Caroline had looked at each other in confusion. Neither of them had any idea what she was upset about.

When Tessa came out of her room, she had calmed down a little and walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. She found an unopened bottle of chardonnay that Sophie had bought the day before and glanced at her. “Do you mind if I open this?”

“No, go ahead.” It was clear that Tessa could use a drink to calm her nerves.

“Does anyone else want some?”

“Sure,” Sophie and Caroline said at the same time.

Tessa poured glasses for all of them and as soon as they’d taken their first sip, she blurted out, “I ended things with Cody.”

Sophie was shocked and Caroline looked like she was too. They’d both been under the impression that things were strong between the two of them.

“Why? What happened?” Caroline asked.

“I’m tired of wasting my time. We’ve been together just over two years and Cody hasn’t mentioned marriage once. So, I brought it up and he seemed taken aback. Said he was happy with how things were going. I let him know that I can’t wait around forever and if he wasn’t even thinking about it, then there was no point to us being together.”

“What did he say to that?” Caroline asked.

“He didn’t have much to say. He seemed confused and said he loves being with me, but if I need to get engaged now, he’s not on board with that. Not yet. So, I left.” Tears of frustration welled up in her eyes and Caroline handed her a tissue. Then hugged her.

“I wouldn’t consider it truly over. He probably just needs to digest this, and you two can talk again,” she said.

“I’m not sure there’s anything to talk about. I think we may be too far apart on this,” Tessa said.

“I’m so sorry, Tessa,” Sophie said. She didn’t know what else to say. She certainly was no expert when it came to relationships.

“Thanks,” Tessa said and sniffled.

They drank the bottle of wine and made some makeshift nachos with leftover chili, cheddar and a half bag of tortilla chips that were on the verge of stale. But it worked somehow, and the chips crisped up in the oven. By the time they went to bed, Tessa was in a better mood and Sophie hoped that she’d be able to work things out with Cody.
