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“I think that’s a good thing. I’ll make the official offer as soon as you sign the paperwork. Will send along in a few minutes.”

“Thanks so much, Sophie! We’re both so excited.”

“Stay tuned. I’ll call as soon as it’s officially accepted.”

Two hours later, all the paperwork had been signed and emailed and Caroline’s seller accepted the full price offer. Emily was thrilled when Sophie gave her the news that it was a done deal.

“I wish we could move in now. I am so ready to go, but I know this is just the first step. I’m not worried about the co-op board approving us. We have the funds and one of Jim’s colleagues lives in the building and is on the board. They get along great, and I like his wife, too.”

“That’s great news,” Sophie said.

“Three months from now, we’ll be in, and you’ll have to come and visit. I really can’t thank you enough for finding this place for us. Jim was impressed too. We’d like to give you the listing for this apartment if you’d like it.”

Sophie was shocked. She hadn’t expected that they would give her the listing. She hadn’t really thought about it because she knew they were cash buyers and didn’t have to sell their place to buy the new one. She supposed it should have occurred to her though.

“I’d be honored.”

“Do you want to come around Monday or Tuesday afternoon to see the place? We have a listing price in mind, but I’d like to hear your opinion first and see what the comps say.”

“Of course. I could do Monday around two or three, if that works?”

“Let’s do three. See you then, Sophie.”

Sophie ended the call and Caroline laughed. She and Tessa were sitting at the kitchen island and had overheard most of the conversation. “So, not only did you sell my eighteen million dollar co-op, they also just gave you a listing?”

Sophie nodded. “I really can’t believe it.”

Tessa laughed, somewhat bitterly. “I can. Everything you touch right now is going your way. Enjoy it while it lasts.” She grabbed her jacket and purse. It was almost six by now and Tessa had showered and changed into a black cocktail dress. It was a gorgeous and dramatic look with her long blonde hair and blue eyes.

“Where are you off to?” Caroline asked.

“Cody is taking me to dinner. He wants to talk, so I figured we might as well go to a place I’ve been dying to try.”

“Oh, that’s great. I hope it goes well,” Caroline said.

“Yes, I hope you are able to work things out,” Sophie said.

Tessa sighed. “I’m not sure anything has really changed. But we’ll see. You two should go out and celebrate your big sale.” There was a hint of jealousy to her voice. Once she was gone, Caroline shook her head.

“I really do hope she works things out with Cody. He seems like such a solid guy.” She made a face. “And he puts up with her. When things aren’t going her way with the real estate, she can be so moody.” Caroline glanced at the clock.

“We should go out and celebrate. Let’s go have a fabulous dinner somewhere. Unless you have other plans?” Caroline’s boyfriend was away for the weekend with a few of his college friends.

Sophie laughed. “No plans. That sounds great to me.”

Chapter Thirty-One

They went to a new restaurant that Rick had mentioned the day before. He’d raved about the place, which had just recently opened. It was right around the corner from the office, as well, so Sophie suspected it might become one of Rick’s favorite places to wine and dine clients.

Inspired by Tessa’s outfit, Sophie and Caroline decided to dress up more than they usually would. Sophie had bought a deep pink dress at a sample sale recently and welcomed an excuse to wear it. The dress was sleeveless with a boat neck and was fitted all the way to just below her knees. It had a bit of a retro look to it, like something Audrey Hepburn would have worn. Sophie loved the way it made her waist look smaller.

Caroline wore a black cocktail dress with a halter top and floaty skirt. She paired it with a double strand of pearls. They grabbed their long coats and called for an Uber as they were both wearing heels and it was too far to walk.

There was a half hour wait for a table, so they put their name in and went to the bar to get a cocktail. Sophie was glad that they’d dressed up, as the vibe was sophisticated. The restaurant had soaring ceilings, deep burgundy walls and sleek black tables and countertops at the bar. As they waited for the bartender, Sophie gazed around the room. She saw a sea of suits and ties and women in mostly black.

“What do you feel like having? I’m thinking champagne,” Caroline asked.

“Yes! That’s perfect.”

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