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“Yes, I’ll go visit a friend or do some shopping. Let me give you a key.” She got up and went to the kitchen, opened a drawer and pulled out a single key.

“Here you go.” She set it on the table.

Rick picked it up and put it in his blazer pocket. “Perfect. We’ll get started on this right away for you. I just need your signature on our listing agreement.” Rick slid a stack of papers to Lillian. She glanced at them quickly, then signed and pushed them back to him.

“Fantastic.” Rick pulled out a form and ran through a series of questions about the unit—all the information they would need for the listing. When he finished, he took out his phone.

“I’d like to get a few pictures. It’s a good thing it’s a sunny day, the light coming in here is wonderful.” He walked around the apartment, snapping pictures of all the rooms, from different angles. He’d told Sophie when she first started that it was a good idea to take more pictures than you think you’d need—multiple shots of every room and to try and use the light to showcase each room at its best. They could go through all the shots back at the office and choose the best ones for the listing and online brochures.

Sophie snapped a few as well in the library, where the sun was streaming through the windows.

“Your home is really beautiful,” she said to Lillian who stood nearby, watching them.

She looked pleased to hear it. “Thank you, dear. I really have loved living here. I’m sure I will miss it, but I will have the fondest memories. And I won’t miss the cold winters!”

Sophie smiled. “I’m sure. And this is a great time to move down there and enjoy the warm weather.”

When Rick finished taking pictures, he pulled Lillian in for another hug.

“It was so great seeing you again, Lillian. We’re going to get started on this right now. Either myself or Sophie will be in touch about the open house and to schedule any showings.”

Lillian walked them to the door and thanked them both for coming.

“It was lovely to meet you dear. I look forward to hearing from you both.”

Once they were in the car and heading back to the office, Rick explained how Sophie would be involved.

“So, I occasionally refer listings to one of my agents. I do it to reward initiative and good work and you’ve demonstrated that with your recent sales and listing activity.”

“You’re giving me a listing?” Sophie was shocked. She’d heard Tessa complain about it, but she didn’t realize how Rick actually did it.

He nodded. “Technically it’s a house listing. It’s still mine, but you’ll be working it as if it was yours. You’ll handle any open houses and showings. It helps me to better leverage my time.” He grinned. “And I’ll still get my usual broker share if you sell it, so it’s all good. I also thought you’d work well with Lillian. She’s a sweet lady and I want to make sure she’s taken care of.”

“Thank you so much. I’ll do my best.” Sophie was beyond excited to have another listing of her own. And she really liked Lillian.

“Good.” His phone rang and he glanced at the caller ID and then took the call. Sophie glanced out the window while Rick talked to his client. He ended the call as they pulled up to the office.

As Sophie was about to get out of the car, Rick spoke. “Oh, one other thing. Are you free tomorrow night? I almost forgot about this charity event at the Met. I RSVP’d months ago. And now I have an extra ticket.” Because Julia was no longer going, Sophie realized. She hesitated for a moment unsure if this was a work event or a date.

Rick flashed his persuasive smile. “Think of it as a fun networking thing. Great food, and a chance for you to meet a lot of influential people. I’ll make the introductions. I remembered that you said you were doing some volunteer work there.”

Sophie was impressed that he remembered. She relaxed a little since it was clearly a work thing. And a good opportunity to meet potential clients.

“I’d love to.”

“Great. I’ll swing by your place a little before six and we can walk over, if that works for you?”

Sophie nodded. “Sure, sounds good.”

They headed inside. Rick disappeared into his office and immediately got on the phone. A few of the agents were back in the office, eating lunch at their desks. Caroline looked up as Sophie walked in and sat down.

“So….? How did it go?”

Sophie told her about the listing.

“I knew it! I didn’t want to get your hopes up in case he didn’t actually give it to you. You deserve it. Though I don’t imagine Tessa will be pleased once she finds out,” Caroline said.

“Ugh. You really think it will bother her?”
