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“She always whines that it’s not fair when anyone is handed a listing. Unless of course it’s her turn. And then it’s totally deserved.”

Sophie laughed. “I am starting to see that side of her.”

“Don’t let it bother you. Just focus on doing your job and making money.”

“There’s something else,” Sophie began. “Rick also invited me to go with him to a charity event at the Met tomorrow. I’m sure I’m taking Julia’s ticket. I was a little hesitant, but he said it should be a good networking opportunity. And I did make my last sale to someone I met through the Met.”

“Oh, you have to go!” Caroline looked deep in thought for a moment. “Do you have a dress in mind to wear? If not, I have a gorgeous silky black dress you’re welcome to borrow. I got it for a similar event last year. I think we’re about the same size.”

“I would love to try it on. I don’t think I have anything dressy enough. If it doesn’t fit, I’ll have to find something fast tomorrow,” Sophie said.

“I bet it will look great on you,” Caroline said.

Sophie finished inputting all the information about Lillian’s property into the computer to generate a listing. She had to run out as soon as she was done to get to Emily’s apartment for their meeting.

When she arrived, Emily let her in, and Sophie was surprised at how quiet it was.

Emily laughed. “It’s a rare moment of peace, trust me. Jim’s at the office and the kids are both napping. I figure we have twenty minutes or so before it gets very loud.

She showed Sophie around. The unit was lovely but less than half the size of the one they were moving into. It had three bedrooms, one of which Jim was using as an office, a small galley kitchen, and a living and dining area. And of course the location was prime, near the Met and in a well-maintained building with a doorman, high ceilings and custom moldings everywhere.

Sophie asked Emily what she and Jim were hoping to get for a price.

“We’d like to be over four, ideally closer to five, but we’re really not sure. What do you think?”

“I think that is definitely the range.” Sophie showed her the comps that she had printed out of recent sales. “I think four point five might be a good starting point. That will be competitively priced for this area with three bedrooms. You could go a little higher, but I wouldn’t advise it.”

Emily nodded. “Okay, four point five it is. And I’m sure you’ll want to do an open house?”

Sophie nodded. “I think it would be a good idea. We could wait until the weekend after next, or I’m happy to do one this weekend. I’ll be back in town on Friday.”

Emily thought for a moment. “If you don’t mind doing one this week, that might be great actually as we’ll be away until Sunday evening.”

“We should probably plan on the following Sunday too,” Sophie said. “As I don’t know what to expect for traffic as this is a big weekend for going out of town.”

“That’s true. Let’s do both, then. We’ll make sure we’re out of the way that day.”

Emily handed her a key, signed the paperwork and answered all of Sophie’s questions about the property and co-op process.

“The condo board here can be tough. I should let you know that. They’ll want to see a bigger than usual down payment and they can be snooty about what people do for work. It can’t be a celebrity. A few have tried and they are always shot down.”

“Good to know.” Sophie had heard that about other buildings as well.

Sophie walked around and took pictures of all the rooms. When they got to the primary bedroom, she noticed a stunning dusty pink dress hanging by the door, wrapped in dry cleaner plastic.

Emily walked over to it. “I’ll put it in the closet so it’s out of the way. I just picked it up this morning.”

“It’s beautiful. Are you planning to wear it soon?” The color flattered Emily’s hair and skin tone.

“Tomorrow actually. That’s why I rushed to pick it up earlier. There’s an event at the Met. Jim and some of his colleagues are going, and the Met is one of the charities we donate to.”

“I’m going as well. I just found out today. My boss had an extra ticket.”

Emily’s eyes lit up. “You are? That’s wonderful! It will be nice to see a familiar face there. I never know anyone other than Jim’s co-workers. Look for me when you arrive.”

“I will.” Sophie was a little less intimidated about the event now that she knew Emily would be there, too.

She headed to her apartment and worked from home the rest of the day. She had the place to herself for a few hours and got a lot done. Caroline was the first to come home and once she was settled she excitedly went and got the dress from her bedroom.
