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But then she saw two familiar faces, as Emily and Jim walked in and it suddenly felt more normal, more real. They hung their coats up and Rick led the way to one of several bars set up around the room. “What would you like to drink?” he asked.

Sophie thought for a moment. “Cabernet, please.”

Rick handed Sophie her wine a minute later. He was drinking scotch on the rocks.

He immediately saw someone he knew and led Sophie over to say hello and introduced her. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman did something in finance and Rick recently sold one of their homes. Over the next hour, Sophie met so many people that it was hard to keep all their names straight. Most were former clients of Rick’s, but he also knew a lot of people personally as well just from living in the city for so many years. And after chatting with an older couple, Claudia and Stan Ashton, Sophie learned that they knew her aunt.

“I volunteer at the Met and met your aunt years ago. She was a lovely woman. I was sorry to hear of her passing,” Claudia said.

“Thank you. I still miss her. I’m actually in the volunteer training program. I’m looking forward to following in her footsteps there,” Sophie said.

Claudia smiled. “How wonderful. Perhaps I will see you there.”

“Do you mind if I run off for a minute? There’s someone I’ve been trying to catch, and he just arrived,” Rick said.

“No, of course I don’t mind.” Sophie looked around after Rick walked off and spotted Emily across the room. She was standing by Jim, who was chatting with a group of men and Emily looked bored to tears. When she saw Sophie looking her way, she waved her over.

“Thank God you’re here,” Emily said softly once Sophie reached her. “I started drifting once these guys mentioned derivatives. What do you think? Are you having fun?”

“It is fun, so far. I just met Claudia Ashton who also volunteers here. Rick knows her and her husband.”

“I don’t know her, but I know of her,” Emily said. “I think he’s actually a billionaire. They live on Fifth Avenue too, in one of the few actual mansions. There are some that go back to the Gilded Age.”

“I never would have guessed,” Sophie said. “She was so friendly and down to earth.”

Emily nodded. “The very richest people often are. They don’t have to impress anyone. Jim told me that Warren Buffett who has all the money in the world, still lives in a modest home in the suburbs and drives an old pickup truck.”

Sophie smiled. “I love that. I do like Fifth Avenue though.”

Emily laughed. “I do too. Oh, those crab cakes look good.”

A tuxedo-clad waiter glided over and held out a silver platter with delicious-looking bite-sized crab cakes. Emily and Sophie both took one. And it was as good as it looked.

“You should sit with us for the dinner,” Emily said. “We have two open seats at our table.”

“I’d love to. I’m not sure what Rick will want to do though. He may have plans to sit with prospective clients.”

“Tell him that our table might be good for him, too. These guys are buying and selling properties every few years, it seems.”

Sophie sipped her wine and gazed around the room. She’d never seen so many beautifully-dressed people in one place. She and Emily people-watched for a bit, commenting on some of the gorgeous dresses. Emily looked stunning too, in a dusty pink slip dress that flattered her collar length blonde bob.

“There you are.” Rick walked up to them, and Sophie introduced him to Emily.

“I was just telling Sophie, that the two of you should join us at our table for dinner,” Emily said.

Rick smiled and glanced at the group of men nearby—Jim and his colleagues.

“That’s so nice of you. I wish I could, but I already promised two of the guys at my assigned table that we’d discuss a little business over dinner.” He glanced at Sophie. “Sophie you should stay though. It will be more fun for you.”

Sophie hesitated. “Are you sure?” She wanted to stay with Emily but felt bad leaving Rick.

He flashed his most charming grin. “Of course. We can catch up again after dinner.” He turned and wandered off and Emily laughed.

“Well, that settles that, doesn’t it? Let’s go sit, it looks like they want to start serving soon.”

Emily led Sophie to their table. It was a big round one that sat about ten people. Jim and his group followed. There were five men total and three wives, including Emily. They all introduced themselves and the man on the other side of Sophie laughed when he spoke.

“I’m Dave, the fill-in. Harry’s wife couldn’t make it tonight, so he’s stuck with me.”
