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While they ate, Sue told them about a new listing she was getting. “It’s a one bedroom at 1025 Fifth Avenue, a real gem. I sold it to a young couple almost ten years ago and they’re expecting a baby and need a bigger place.”

“Where do they want to move to?” Sophie asked.

“They love their building. That’s why they waited this long to move because they hate to leave. If they could ever find a nice two bedroom there, that would be their first choice. But they know that’s a long shot, so they will look in the general area.”

Sophie smiled and leaned forward, feeling excited. “So, I don’t have the listing yet, but I just got a new buyer. He lives in that building and is looking to downsize to a one bedroom. He wasn’t going to list his place until after he moves, but maybe he’d be open to having them look—if he likes their unit.”

Sue laughed. “I love it. That would be beyond perfect, Sophie. I like how you think. We’ll have to see what he thinks and go from there. That would be wild if it works out.”

Rick looked pleased. “I knew you had potential, Sophie. Being able to make those connections and move fast will always give you an edge.”

“Thank you.” Sophie turned her attention back to Sue. “When will you officially have the listing? I have some showings lined up for my buyer tomorrow and Monday, would love to add that one too, if possible.”

“I’m seeing them tomorrow at ten. I can let you know after that if they’d be open to showings as soon as Monday, if that works?”

Sophie nodded. “That’s fine. We’re seeing two others that day, so that would be perfect if we could squeeze one more in.”

They stayed for another hour, finishing their drinks and food, and laughing about the funny things that happened in the real estate business. Rick and Sue had plenty of stories.

“How did you get into real estate sales?” Sophie asked Sue.

“Once my kids were in middle school, I wanted to get back to work, but I’d been out of my field for so long and I wanted to try something different. I liked the flexibility of real estate, being able to still pick up the kids if they needed a ride or make sure I saw their games and I’d always been fascinated by the industry. I also liked the idea of commission sales and being paid based on results.”

“Sue was my first hire,” Rick said proudly.

Sue nodded. “We’d worked together at a huge corporate firm. When Rick said he was going to start up his own office, I liked the idea of a less stuffy, faster-paced environment. I never regretted it.”

“I don’t think I would like a more corporate environment. I had enough of that working at law firms.” Sophie smiled. “This is so much better.”

“Uh oh, trouble at two o’clock,” Rick said softly.

Sophie turned to see where he was looking and saw an attractive, very thin woman with a razor sharp dark brown bob coming their way. When she reached the table, her eyes swept over Rick and Sue and lingered on Sophie for a long moment before going back to Rick.

“So, this is your new hangout?” the woman said shortly.

Rick flashed his extra charming smile, “Hi Julia. You know Sue, and this is our newest hire, Sophie. Sophie this is…”

“His ex-girlfriend.” Julia narrowed her eyes a bit. “Are you the one that took my spot at the Met event?”

Sophie nodded while Rick started to look annoyed. “You said you didn’t want to go.”

“Right. I didn’t want to go, with you.” She glanced at the front door, where several people had just walked in. “I have to go—my date is here.” She turned and walked toward the front door where a gray-suited man with dark glasses and a briefcase stood looking around the room. He smiled when he saw Julia.

Rick let out a heavy sigh. “Sorry about that. I think she was a little jealous that I took someone in her place. But she didn’t want to go. And I wasn’t going to waste those tickets.”

“She seems mad that you replaced her so quickly. Maybe she has the wrong idea about Sophie,” Sue said.

“Possibly,” Rick agreed. “But it seems hypocritical for her to get mad since she’s here with a date.” Sophie noticed that a muscle twitched in his jaw as he watched Julia walk off with her date.

“It’s never easy seeing an ex with someone else,” Sue said.

Or someone you’re interested in. Sophie thought of Max and Tessa as they headed out the other night. That had been painful. Even if there was nothing there romantically, it was still hard to see it and wonder if there might be sparks brewing. And she had no idea how the night went from Max’s perspective.

“Are you guys ready to call it a night?” Rick signed the credit card slip and took his last sip of bourbon. Sophie and Sue stood, and they walked out, thanking Rick as they went. They’d both offered to chip in, but he wouldn’t hear of it, said it was on the company. “It was my pleasure. Like I said, we had a great week.”

When Sophie got home, the apartment was quiet. She knew that Caroline was at her boyfriend’s place for the night, and she assumed that Tessa was out clubbing. She didn’t expect her to be home until very late. She changed into her comfy pajamas and curled up on the sofa to watch TV for a while. She clicked through the channels and landed on an old episode ofFriendsthat was just starting. It fit her mood perfectly. An episode or two ofFriendsand she’d be relaxed and ready for bed.

A few minutes later, her phone dinged with a text message. She sat up when she saw that it was from Max.
