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But something strange happens instead. His face softens a little.

“You know, Maya..." His voice is almost gentle now. "You might be right about that. Maybe I wasn't seeing the big picture."

I can't believe it. Am Inotgetting fired for speaking my mind for once?

He stands up and walks around his desk, leaning down close to my ear. His cologne smells like a mix of sandalwood and musk.

God, does he smell sexy.

I try to ignore it.

"I appreciate your insights, Maya... It's not often someone is able to challenge me in a constructive way. You can leave now."

He straightens up as I stand up and fix my black pencil skirt, still feeling a little bit stunned.

I act confidently as I turn around to leave, his eyes on my back like a hawk stalking his prey.

* * *

The followingday at work is a whirlwind of meetings, paperwork, and frantic phone calls. I'm trying to get the hang of the pace of insanity around here. But I'm freakin' exhausted.

I'm supposed to go on a date tonight with a guy I met online. Kaitlyn has been pushing me to get out and have more fun. She says I need to 'loosen up' a little.

But her dad has me working like a dog and my date is in two hours.

I'm about to clock out when I hear Hunter's voice behind me.

"Can you stay late tonight? We've got more to get through." His gaze is sharp and demanding.

"Sorry, boss. I have plans that your charm can't override." I wink at him, both of us knowing full well he isnotcharming.

He stares at me unamused, then crosses his arms. "I see. Well, I don't like it when my team members have other obligations that come before their work responsibilities." His face is stern.

"Responsibilities, huh?" I adjust my bag over my shoulder and straighten my blouse. "You know, work-life balance is a real thing, Mr. Holmes. You should try it sometime. It might make you less..." I pause, tilting my head as I find the right word. "Icy."

I turn, the click of my high heels echoing through the room as I make my way out. "Goodnight, boss."

I walk out of the building, feeling annoyed.

Who does he think he is? Trying to guilt me into staying late?

Kaitlyn told me he was a 'fair' boss.

This job isn't going to work out.



The next morning, I meet Kaitlyn at our favorite coffee shop. It's my first day off and I need some girl time. I walk into the cafe and I make a beeline for her as soon as I see her.

"Kait." I slide into the booth across from her. "I swear, your dad is going to be the death of me."

She looks up from her cup, her eyebrows shooting up. "Already?"

I let out a long sigh: half exasperation, half exhaustion. "He's just... He's impossible, Kait. He's always on my case. He expects me to be perfect and then, out of nowhere, he's all understanding and nice to me. It's like working for a bipolar lion – one minute he wants to eat me alive, the next, he's purring like a damn kitten."

Kaitlyn's eyes widen, and she bursts into laughter. "A bipolar lion? Seriously, Maya?"
