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I'm exhausted.

Between whatever the fuck went down in the elevator and the meeting today, my brain feels like it's about to explode.

I slip into my satin pajamas, the soft fabric feels comforting against my skin, contrasting the insanity of the day.

I go to the kitchen and pull out a bottle of red wine from the fridge, pour it into a glass, and cradle it between my hands. With every sip, I try to forget about Hunter. The taste of the wine, rich and bold, is a poor substitute for the intoxicating taste of him still on my lips.

As I sink into the couch, I can't help but let my mind wander back to him: his smoky green eyes, his rough hands, his intoxicating scent. It's a dangerous game, I know. But it's a game I'm finding more and more tempting to play.

Stupid girl.

He doesn't care about you.

He can get any woman with the snap of a finger.

You think he gives a shit about you?

You're nothing more than an easy fuck to him... a good time.

My thoughts start to go crazy.

What if that's true?

What if I'm nothing more than a good time for him?

I shake my head, trying to rid myself of the thoughts that are threatening me. I can't help but feel like I'm just another notch on his belt, another conquest in his long list of women. His charisma, his good looks, his success... He could have any woman he wants, so why me? The way he touched me, kissed me in the elevator, it was as if he'd done it a thousand times before. It was too good, too good to be true... Is that all I am to him? Another woman to add to his collection? Another distraction until someone new comes along?

The doubt eats at me, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth that even the wine can't wash away. I want to believe that I'm different, that I'm special, but my mind keeps circling back to the same agonizing thought: I'm just another number to him.

I take another sip of my wine and close my eyes, falling asleep on the couch.

* * *

Walkinginto the office the next morning, I am greeted by monitors humming and hushed conversations. I head towards my desk, ready to start the day. But as I do, I spot Hunter's office door closing.

That's odd.

He usually has it wide open.

I approach his office, noticing he's in a meeting. My heart sinks a little.

He's having a meeting without me? Did I miss something?

Knocking lightly, I peek my head in, managing a small smile. "Good morning, Hunter. Did you need me in here?"

Hunter, buried in the discussion, looks up at me with a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Ah, Maya. Good morning. It's an impromptu meeting, didn't have time to get you in on it."

I raise an eyebrow. "I see. Well, I'll be out here at my desk if you need anything."

"Great. Could you grab us some coffee?"

I force a smile. "Sure."

As I close the door, I can't help but feel a pang of unease.

Coffee? Can I get them coffee?

I knew it.
