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He doesn't give a fuck about me.

What if he fires me?

What if this was all a test to see how professional I am?

I go to the coffee station and get a few cups of coffee ready, trying to push away my fears. As I approach his office again with a tray of coffee in hand, I can feel my heart pounding.

Hunter barely looks up at me. “Just in time.” He stands up and opens the door for me as I walk in and place the tray on the table. He takes a cup and hands it to the man next to him before turning back to the others in the meeting. “So, as you were saying.” He turns his attention back to the meeting leaving me with my doubts.

As I settle back at my desk, my mind races with thoughts of Kaitlyn and Hunter. The thought of her finding out about what happened... I can't even bear it. The potential fallout is too dreadful to consider — the hurt in Kaitlyn's eyes, the trust I'd betray. The knots in my stomach twist tighter.

What did I do? I can't believe I let my guard down like this.

And I can't afford to lose this job. How will I pay my bills? I'll be back at square one. I've worked too hard to get here, to let it all crumble over a fleeting moment of passion. The stakes are high, too high.

Every knock, every ring of the phone, sets my heart pounding with dread. The fear of the unknown, of the fallout, keeps me on a razor's edge. And with every passing moment, the line between professional and personal blurs, making it harder to keep my feelings - and fears - in check.

Hunter's office door finally opens, and everyone exits. He turns to me with a tired smile. "That will be all, Maya. You can finish up for the day." His voice is distant. I nod as he walks past and out of the office.

A chill runs through my body as I watch him go, his footsteps echoing in my ear like a warning bell. I recognize it now — this feeling of dread and fear.

It's the feeling of walking on thin ice. And I can't help but wonder if I'm about to crash through it.

As the moments pass, I start to realize that maybe I don't want this to end. Even despite the looming danger, I feel something for Hunter — something more than passing infatuation.

It's not something I can explain, but it's there. The lingering connection between us is drawing me to him like an invisible force. No matter how wrong it may be.

You're in over your head.

He's about to drop you like a hot potato and you're over her fawning over him.

I shake my head.

As I gather my stuff to leave, my mind swirls with confusion. Hunter’s dismissal, so casual and cool, leaves me rattled. It contradicts the heat and passion that simmered between us in the elevator.

Why did he send me home early?

Was it because of the meeting?

Or is there something else he isn’t telling me?

My cell phone rings, jolting me out of my thoughts. The screen reads ‘Mom’.


I'm vulnerable right now and I don't want her to get any ideas about what's going on with me and Hunter.

Her giving me the 'talk' about how disappointed she is in me, for ruining yet another job opportunity is the last thing I need.

"Hi, Mom. What's up?"

"Maya. Can you come over?" Her voice shakes a little.

Immediately, my heart leaps into my throat. "What's wrong, Mom? Are you okay?"

"I... I've got something to tell you. I need you here."

The urgency in her voice freaks me out. Without a second thought, I grab my things and leave the office. As I drive, the cityscape blurs around me, my mind numb.

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