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Maya's smile turns soft, nostalgic almost, her eyes shimmering in the dim light. "You know, I have siblings with a wide age gap. My younger brother is 15 years younger than me." She lets out a small laugh, shaking her head at the memory. The chaos, the noise, the laughter... it all reminds me of home. It's comforting and familiar." She glances at me, her eyes full of warmth and openness.

I pick up on something in the conversation. "So, age gaps aren't uncomfortable for you... Interesting." I raise an eyebrow suggestively, letting the implication hang in the air. She knows what I mean — there’s no denying our connection. Her cheeks flush as she smiles into her glass of wine. We both know that we can't keep ignoring this, not anymore.

"Age is just a number... As long as two people feel the same thing for each other, why should we care what society thinks or says?" She looks up at me, her blue eyes are soft in the moonlight.

"Hmm, that's a wise outlook." I lean back in my chair, the soft glow from the city lights casting a seductive sheen on Maya's face. "So, hypothetically speaking, if there were, say, a man, who was totally captivated by a woman much younger than him... you'd see nothing wrong with that?" I watch a playful smirk dance on her lips, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Depends on how 'totally captivated' he really is," she retorts, her voice dropping an octave lower, her gaze never leaving mine. I feel the temperature between us elevating, our playful banter escalating.

"Let's say, for argument's sake," I lean in closer, dropping my voice to a barely-there whisper, "this man is captivated to the point of distraction. He can't eat, he can't sleep, and all he thinks about is this woman. Would that be 'totallycaptivated' enough for you?" My gaze holds hers, the air between us sizzling with tension.

She licks her lips involuntarily, her eyes darkening with desire. "That... That seems 'totally captivated' to me."

"Good." I lean back, a triumphant smile on my face as I feel my cock harden from the playful tension in the air.

Her breath hitches, her eyes widen, before a sly smile pulls at her lips. "Well then, Hunter," she says, as she finishes her drink and slides out of her chair. "Maybe we should continue this conversation somewhere more private. Your place, perhaps?"

"My thoughts exactly."

Maya stands and starts to walk away, I quickly finish my drink and follow suit.

There's something about the way she's taking control, the confident sway in her hips as she walks ahead, that drives me wild with desire. I've dealt with many women in my life, but she... she is something else.

A kind of intoxicating power play. It's wildly sexy, but it also stirs a primal desire within me to take the power back. I watch her, my eyes taking in every detail, my mind spinning with images of how I'd dominate her, of how I'd bring her to the point of surrender. My blood heats, my cock hardens at the thought and the anticipation of getting her alone sparks a thrill inside me.

As we walk off the yacht, I can't help but pull her a bit closer to me. The feel of her by my side, the sweet, dizzying scent of her takes every ounce of my self-control not to take her right there on the sidewalk. We walk the few blocks to my penthouse in silence — the tension between us as thick as fog.



You need to loosen up.

Kaitlyn's words ring through my mind as we walk back to Hunter's penthouse.

The thought of ruining my friendship with her wars with the insatiable pull I feel towards Hunter.

You're in too deep now.

My instincts scream at me to keep my distance, to keep the boundaries there should be between us. But there's something about him. He stirs something within me, an urge that I can't tame.

I feel Hunter's hand on the small of my back as he guides me to turn left into the lobby of his building. The floors are glossy marble and reflect the glow of the chandelier that hangs from the ceiling.

A concierge desk of rich mahogany sits to the side, manned by a uniformed attendant who greets Hunter with a nod.

As we cross the room, my heels click on the marble floor all the way to the elevator. The doors slide open with a hushed swoosh. We step in and I get instant flashbacks of the last time we were in an elevator together.

Hunter is thinking the same. He looks at me and gives me a small laugh.

God, his smile is gorgeous.

The desire I have for him builds. The air in the elevator feels heavier, making my breath catch in my throat. His eyes trail over my face, a mixture of curiosity and hunger. I can't help but let out a shaky laugh, my fingers playing with the hem of my red dress.

The soft ping as the elevator reaches the top floor snaps me out of it. Hunter guides me through the entrance of his penthouse into the open living space.

I walk in and make a bee-line toward the windows. They are floor-to-ceiling windows with the most breathtaking view of the city's skyline.

"Hunter. This is beautiful!"
