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"To us."

"To... us?" she repeats, confused. "I thought you were going to fire me, Hunter. I really couldn't figure out why you were bringing me out here." I can see she's confused.

"Fire you? I just hired you. You're too good for me to lose you."

Her face softens and she takes a sip of her wine.

"I don't know. It's just... the other day in the elevator... I just... I don't know how you feel about me? About this? I'm so confused." She looks away, embarrassed.

I take her hands in mine and look into her eyes. "Maya, this is not a business meeting. This is me taking you out on a date. I am drawn to you, Maya. I can't keep myself away from you... as much as I try to."

"But... you're my boss. And Hunter, you're Kaitlyn's dad.” Her voice trembles. “I don’t want to hurt her.” She looks away, tears in her eyes.

I move closer and put a hand on her cheek.

"I can't lose her. She's my best friend."

"We will worry about that when the time comes," I assure her. "I am curious about you. I want to explore every part of you, Maya. I want to know you. All of you."

She stares into my eyes, searching for the answers she desperately needs. I can see it there. She wants this just as much as I do.

"I... I don't know, Hunter..."

I stop her from continuing by pressing my lips to hers. It takes a moment, but she finally melts into me.

"I wasn't expecting any of this. I was looking to get a job, not fall for my boss and fuck my best friend's dad."

I pull away and laugh at her. "Let's enjoy the night for what it is," I whisper in her ear. "We both need to let loose a little." She nods in agreement as she relaxes back in her chair and looks out over the calm water. The skyline is lit up in the dark night sky.

"It's beautiful out here... the city... the water." She takes a deep breath and I can see her shoulders relax. We sit in comfortable silence for a while, taking each other in before the waiter brings us our first course.

"Here we have pan-seared scallops nestled on a bed of creamy, saffron-infused risotto." The waiter sets the dish down in front of us. "Topped with a delicate champagne butter sauce and a garnish of microgreens to provide a pop of freshness. Enjoy your meal."

Maya takes a small bite of the scallops, her eyes widening in surprise as she savors the flavor. "This is phenomenal." I love to see her senses light up with pleasure, and I can't help but feel like I want to devour her right here on the table.

"Maya." I break the silence. "I've been meaning to tell you that you were excellent at the meeting with Bennett the other day." My fingers tap on my wine glass. "The way you handled Bennett's curveballs was impressive. You were poised, articulate, and quick on your feet." I pause for a moment, letting my words sink in. "Your input made a huge difference to the outcome of that meeting. So, thank you."

Her cheeks turn pink. But of course, she doesn't miss a beat to bring in some sass. "Well, you were pretty tongue-tied. So, someone had to step up," she teases me, but she's not wrong. I was tongue-tied. In more ways than one.

I never let myself get to the point where I cannot perform at 100% in a meeting, especially an important one like that. And the fact that she was able to step up showed me how perfect she is for this position.

Taking another bite of her scallops, Maya looks up at me, curiosity sparkling in her eyes. "It's my turn to ask something..." she begins slowly, "I've been wondering. You're a billionaire, with many philanthropic ventures, I'm sure. But the youth club... Why there? What's the story behind it?" She sets her fork down, her gaze steady, inviting a deeper conversation.

I look away from her, staring out at the water, thinking of how best to answer her question.

"You're right. There are many organizations I donate to. But the youth club, that's different. It's... It's personal." I run a hand through my hair, a habit that comes out when I get nervous. "Kaitlyn... she loves it there. She's been going since she was a little girl. It's a place where she feels safe, loved, happy. It was a place she could escape to when her mom and I were going through the divorce." I pause, not wanting to talk about my ex. I vere the topic. "You know how much she loves it there."

I take a deep breath, looking down at my food. "I can't always be there for her, you know? My work... it takes me away from her more than I'd like. Investing in the youth club, it's my way of making up for that. It's my way of showing her that I love her." I look up at Maya, hoping she understands. "It's not perfect, but it's something. And something is better than nothing, right?"

"Kaitlyn adores you, Hunter." Her voice is soft as she looks out at the night sky. "You're an amazing father to her."

"I appreciate that, Maya." I gulp down the rest of my wine, welcoming the slight burn in my throat. The topic makes me uncomfortable. It's too close to home, too raw. But Maya has a way of making me open up, even when I don't want to. She has this ability to unravel me, piece by piece.

I shift the focus, eager to steer away from my unease.

"Now, enough about me and my baggage... What about you, Miss Maya? Why do you volunteer at the youth club? Is it the sense of community service or maybe a secret love for chaotic environments?" My tone is light but pressing. I think there is some truth to the later but I'm curious what she will share with me.

Maya laughs. "The chaos is actually the most fun part," she confesses with a playful smirk. "But really, I volunteer because of the kids there. They are so full of life and energy..."
