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I'm seated at the head of the conference table, surrounded by a handful of associates, all watching as Maya walks in and takes her seat. She offers me a small nod of acknowledgment before turning her attention to her documents, her eyes scanning the pages.

As the room settles into silence, I lean forward, "Let's get started on the briefing for this meeting."

My project manager looks at both of us. "To kick things off, we're dealing with Maven & Moresby, a high-profile investment company with a large portfolio in the restaurant industry." He clicks his pen on the table. "They're looking to venture into the Mediterranean region and want to leverage our expertise."

I raise an eyebrow, "A large number of restaurants, huh? Sounds like the big fish are biting. Maya, do we have any info on their investment strategy?"

She is already doing her research on the laptop in front of her. "It seems they have a taste for Mediterranean cuisine. As for their strategy, they're looking for sustainable, high-growth businesses with a focus on local authenticity. They want our help to make sure they invest in the right places."

The meeting continues, the room loaded with discussions around the contracts and financials. I watch as Maya listens, her pen darting across her notepad, jotting down questions.

Sometimes I still can't believe how perfect she is for this position. Watching her navigate this business meeting with such poise and confidence... It's a side to her I never thought I'd see of her.

But I admire it.

I admire her.

It’s clear she’s more than an assistant, she’s a businesswoman who understands complex situations.

As the meeting wraps up, Maya gathers her notes, her eyes meeting mine across the table. The others filter out of the conference room. Maya and I are alone. I lean back in my chair, running a hand over the stubble on my chin, watching her tidy up her papers.

"You seemed pretty confident in there... Are you sure you're ready for all this?"

She looks at me with a smile on her lips. "Ready?" she repeats, pushing her chair back and standing up. "I was born for this shit."

"The big fish, Maven & Moresby, don’t intimidate you?"

Maya chuckles, picking up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. "Intimidate me? Please, they're a bunch of men in suits with more money than sense. I eat investment strategies for breakfast."

I can't help but laugh, her confidence is infectious.

This girl is something.

Before Maya walks out of the conference room, I stop her.

"Maya. Be ready for dinner by 8. There's something for you to wear back in your room."

She pauses, turning around to face me. "See you then."

* * *

It's8 o'clock at night and Maya is standing on my yacht deck, gazing out at the horizon. She doesn't see me coming behind her and I take in her beauty and innocence before I let her know that I'm here.

As she turns around, my breath catches in my throat. There she stands in the moonlight, wearing the designer dress I had left in her room for her earlier in the evening.

Designed by the most sought-after fashion house, the dress accentuates her slender figure, flowing down her body like a waterfall of silk and hugging her curves.

The dark maroon sequined fabric contrasts with her bright eyes. Seeing my usually feisty assistant looking so exquisite, pulls at something deep inside me. She's always been beautiful, but tonight, she's a vision that could make a saint sin. It's dangerous.

"Maya. You look... incredible," I say, my voice a whisper.

She blushes and looks away, almost as if she's embarrassed by the compliment. It's rare that she gets this way. It's adorable.

She takes a few steps closer to me and I can feel her presence like an electric current running through my body. Our eyes meet for a split second before she averts her gaze again.

"This dress is stunning, Hunter."

"It's all yours."
