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"Really?" she stammers. "This must have cost a fortune, Hunter. I... I don’t know what to say…"

I can see the emotions playing out on her face — surprise, disbelief, and then a rush of gratitude. "Thank you, Hunter." Her voice is warm and sincere.

I take a step closer, slip my arm around her waist and pull her in. I watch the surprise on her face as she looks up at me, speechless - wondering what's going through my mind right now. At this moment, all I can think about is how much I want to kiss her.

"You deserve it. And you deserve more," I whisper, my lips inches away from hers.

I guide Maya to the area where we have dinner set. A table for two, draped in white linen, with rose petals stands waiting for us. It’s surrounded by a sea of candles.

"This... This is beautiful." I can see the wonder in her eyes as she takes in the scene before her.

As we start our meal, the conversation flows like water.

"So, Maya. What's your latest literary obsession?"

Her eyes light up as she starts talking about the book she's reading. It turns out to be a novel set in the 1800s about a woman who defies societal norms to follow her passion for art.

"I love how the author paints the picture of society back then, and the protagonist's courage is inspiring."

I steer the conversation to a more personal realm. "You've been in this city for a while now. Any secret spots you hide out beside the youth club?"

"Promise you won't spill the beans?"

She starts to describe these hidden places she's discovered. A quaint bookshop tucked away in an alley, a botanic garden, a café that has the best hot chocolate she's ever had, and a quiet spot by the lake where she loves to sit and read.

I find myself captivated by her, but not just her beauty, her spirit, her passion, and her intellect.

"You know, you're full of surprises too, Hunter." Her eyes are full of curiosity. "You're not quite the tough and serious businessman everyone makes you out to be."

"Don't let anyone know," I joke with her. "Only you get to see this side of me."

"So, what about you? Any quirks or secret hobbies that the world's ruthless billionaire indulges in when he's not conquering the business world?"

I laugh at her question, finding it both amusing and endearing. "Well," I begin, trying to search for an honest response, "I play the piano when the world gets too noisy. It's therapeutic."

Maya's eyebrows arch slightly. "You play the piano?"

"Yes. I like gardening too when I have the time. Nothing fancy, just a few herbs and a handful of plants."

"That's quite... unexpected. I never imagined you playing the piano or taking care of...plants." There's a moment of silence, then she reaches across the table to place her hand on mine. "Thank you, Hunter," she says. "Thank you for this wonderful evening."

I look at her, lost in her eyes, and for a moment, I forget about everything else.

"You're welcome. I have one more little surprise for you... The meetings tomorrow should wrap up by afternoon." I spear a piece of steak. "I thought we could... take off somewhere for the weekend."

Maya looks at me, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "Really? And where exactly would that be?"

"Now, where's the fun in telling you that?"

Her eyes narrow a bit, but the smile never leaves her face. "I promise you'll like it. It's a place you've never been, and I think you'll find it... interesting."

"You've got me intrigued."

We finish our conversation before wrapping up our dinner. It's been a long day and I can see Maya's eyes growing heavy.

"Shall we call it a night? It's been a long, busy day."

She nods in agreement. "Just one more thing before I go," she says as she turns to face me. There's something in her voice that sends my heart racing. She takes a step closer, placing both hands on either side of my face. I feel the warmth of her hands on my skin, and the electricity between us.
