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"Listen, Hunter, I know it sounds crazy..." I can hear the hesitation in her voice. "But I was thinking... what if I took the job?"

I almost drop my weight. "You're joking, right?"

"I'm serious," she insists. "I've been doing some freelancing work, but it's not steady. I need more money."

More money?I think to myself.

She made out very well in the divorce and I still pay for almost everything for Kaitlyn. How does she need more money?

"You want to work for me? After everything?"

She cuts me off. "This has nothing to do with our past, Hunter. I need a job; you need someone to fill the position. It's a win-win."

I pause, the weight of her words sinking in. It's absurd. This is half of the reason why we divorced in the first place! She worked for me for a short period of time. But we were at each other’s throats. She hated that I worked so much. She resented my work and my job and... me. Yet, she wanted more from me. More money. More shopping trips. More vacations. I busted my ass to provide for her and Kaitlyn, but it was never enough.

And now she's asking to work with me?

"Christy. There's absolutely no way." The words come out harsher than I intend, but they need to be said. "There's no way that will work."


Finally, she speaks up again. "Hunter... please don't say no before you've even thought about it. This could actually be a great thing for both of us — and Kaitlyn. You know I'm great at what I do, and you need someone competent to take this job."

Yes, I do.

But not her. Not my ex. I can't go through that again.

"Christy," I say firmly. "It's not going to work."

The line goes silent and a few seconds later she hangs up without another word. I exhale and start my next set of lifts, thankful for the distraction.

* * *

It’s exactly5 PM and I hear a light knock on my door.

“Come in,” I call out, glancing at the clock. In walks Maya, right on time.

That’s a good sign. I like punctuality.

The door slips open and I watch her as she walks in. Her dark hair is pulled back into a neat bun, her glasses are perched on her nose, giving her an air of studied seriousness that I find unexpectedly appealing.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Holmes," she greets me with a bright smile that flashes across her face. Her teeth are perfectly straight and her lips are rosy pink and full.

"Maya." I nod to her. "Please, call me Hunter."

"If you say so, Hunter," she retorts, and I can't help but smirk.

She does have some sass. I like it.

We start the interview and she tells me about her skillsets and her vision for herself.

"I see you've worked in a variety of settings, Maya," I begin, shuffling through her impressive resume. "You seem to have a knack for adapting to new environments."

She nods. "I like a challenge. Whether it's a startup hustling to make its mark, or an established corporation maintaining its reputation, each environment has something unique to offer."

"True," I respond, appreciating her perspective. "What would you say you are looking for in this job?"

"Opportunity." Her gaze is unwavering. "The opportunity to grow, to learn, and to make a meaningful contribution."

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