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I can't help but admire her passion. "There will definitely be a lot of opportunity to grow and learn here." I pause. "I do have to say, I can be pretty tough on my employees. I have high standards. Do you think you can handle the pressure?"

She doesn't flinch. "I'm sure I can."

I feel a little bulge in my pants when she says that. She's confident. It's alluring.

As we progress through the interview, I find myself more and more intrigued by her intelligence, her wit, and her warm-heartedness. It's the kind of combination that could be dangerous for a man like me. I can't help it. There's something about her that draws me in and leaves me wanting more.

"I'm curious, Maya," I find myself leaning forward, elbows on my desk as I study her. "How do you handle situations when things don't go as planned?"

"Well, Hunter... I believe that plans are guidelines, not gospel. When things go off track, I adapt, improvise, and overcome. The best opportunities often come from the most unexpected places."

I feel an inexplicable sense of attraction towards her boldness. "Impressive." My interest in her deepens.

She looks me straight in the eye and for a moment I'm taken aback by her conviction.

“Well then...” I lean back in my chair, impressed by this fiery woman before me. “It looks like you might be the one we’re looking for. I want to offer you the position.”

I am shocked by the words coming out of my own damn mouth.

Last night, I was swearing to Kaitlyn that there was no way I would hire Maya. I shouldn't hire her.

I start to get in my own head.

What are you doing? She's Kaitlyn's best friend.

And you're over here getting a fucking chub from her?

She's 20 years younger than you for god's sake!

Get it together or this is going to be a disaster.

Fuck. What am I doing? I can't hire her.

You already did, idiot.

"Thank you, Hunter. I'm looking forward to working with you." A soft blush colors her cheeks. Her lips curl into a small smile.

"Me too," I say without thinking.

She stands up and I do the same. She reaches out to shake my hand and as our hands meet, I feel a tug in my stomach. She lets go of my hand and turns to leave my office. My eyes trail down to her ass. Her figure is slender and her curves are delicious.

What the fuck am I getting myself into? I'm hit with a sudden wave of regret.

What did I just do? But it's too late now.

The door closes behind her and all I can do is sit here, my mind reeling from the consequences of my impulsive decision.



My thoughts are on turbo speed after leaving Hunter's office.

I got the job!

Thank God. Now I don't have to worry about paying rent this month.

I smile uncontrollably as I walk down Michigan Ave.
