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"Just relax, baby. I've got you."

I see my mom watching from a distance. Her eyes melt as she watches Hunter's care for me. I keep breathing, slow and steady.

Finally, I come back to life and am able to formulate words that make some sense.

"What happened out there? I think I blacked out."

Hunter goes to the sink to wash the blood off of his hands as my mom hands him a washcloth to help.

"That asshole bumped into you trying to pry information out of you and you fell..." He wipes his hands carefully. "I've never been so fucking mad in my life. I... I saw red. I had to protect you and our... our baby."

My mom, who had been observing from a distance, finally speaks up. "This can't happen again, Hunter. She's already vulnerable and this is too much for her."

"I know." Hunter nods. "And I promise you, it won't."

He reaches out for my hand. "I'm going to hire some personal security to keep an eye on her when I'm not around. No one will ever touch her like that again."

His words are firm, his eyes determined. He's making a promise not just to me but to my mom as well. And he means it.

"You guys... I am fine. I can handle it... I don't need security." I look at Hunter, trying to find my confidence again, but it’s not fooling him.

“Maya. Now is not the time to be ‘Miss Independent’."

I look at my mom knowing what she's about to say.

"See, honey... It's okay to ask for help, remember?"

Ugh. All this weak and vulnerable shit is getting old. I might need help, but I'm not going to give up my independence yet.

"Fine." I give in. "But just so you know, I'm still capable of taking care of myself."

"We know that. Trust me. We know that." My mom playfully rolls her eyes at me before interjecting again.

"Well, I think I'm going to go get some fresh air." She starts putting her shoes on and grabbing for her coat. "I'm going to run to the store to grab us some food for dinner."

She looks at me hesitantly, as if I won't like what she's about to say.

"Hunter, will you be staying for dinner?"

Hunter looks at me before looking back at my mom. "I'd love to."

I roll my eyes.

"Well then. It's settled. I'll get the food and leave you two here."

I sense that she's setting this whole thing up so that Hunter and I finally have no choice other than to talk about what's going on.

She gives a satisfied nod and leaves the apartment, leaving us alone. The energy feels a little awkward now that she's gone.

I feel my stubbornness rearing its ugly head. Part of me doesn't want to have this talk, but then again, a part of me has been dying for this moment to come.

Finally. A chance to talk to Hunter.



