Page 69 of The Maid

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He smiles and I feel a tingle of warmth. “Thank you. That’s very kind.”

“I’d add the word ‘urgently’ to your text,” Mr. Preston suggests.

“Yes, that’s good,” says Charlotte. “Urgently.”

I adjust the message:Rodney, we must meet: urgently. Mr. Black was MURDERED. I made revelations to the police of which you should be aware. I’m sincerely sorry!

“Okay?” I ask, looking for approval from all of them.

“Do it, Molly. Press Send,” Charlotte says.

I squeeze my eyes shut and press the button. I can hear theswooshof the message leaving my device.

When I open my eyes a few seconds later, three circles appear in a new text box below my sent message.

“Well, well, well,” says Mr. Preston. “Looks like our cretin is in a real hurry to respond.”

My phone trills as Rodney’s message appears:Molly, WTF? Meet me in twenty minutes at the OG.

“OG?” Mr. Preston asks. “What’s that?”

“Original gangster?” Juan Manuel replies.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Charlotte asks.

Then it comes to me in a flash, and I figure it out. “The Olive Garden,” I say. “That’s where I’m to meet him. Shall I answer?”

“Tell him you’ll be there soon,” Charlotte says.

I try to type a response, but my hands are shaking too much.

“Do you want me to do it?” Charlotte asks.

“Yes, please,” I say.

I hand her the phone and we all watch over her shoulder as she types:K. CU in 20 min.

She’s about to press Send when Juan Manuel stops her. “That doesn’t sound like Molly at all. She’d never write that.”

“Really?” Charlotte says. “What’s wrong with it?”

“You have to make it more pretty,” Juan Manuel offers. “Use respectful language. Maybe use the word ‘delightful.’ Molly uses this word a lot:deelightful. So nice.”

Charlotte erases what she wrote and tries again:This plan sounds delightful, even if the circumstances bringing us together are not. See you soon.

“Yes,” I say. “That’s what I’d say. That’s very good.”

“That’s my Miss Molly,” Juan Manuel adds.

Swoosh. Charlotte sends the message and then hands me my phone.

“Molly,” says Mr. Preston, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Are you ready? You know what to say to him, what to do?”

Three concerned faces await my response.

“I’m ready,” I reply.

“You can do this, Molly,” Charlotte says.
