Page 25 of Sweet Revenge

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She was thrilled by the way he reacted to her touch, even in sleep, and continued her exploration of his body. It amazed her that his large cock had actually fit inside of her. She bet her fingertips wouldn’t be able to touch if she wrapped her hand around the thick shaft and reached out to test it. The velvety smooth skin covering his shaft felt hot against her hand, and the space between her fingertips and thumb proved she’d been right.

Utterly fascinated, she watched as a small drop of pearly liquid seeped from the tip of the flared head. Curious about what he tasted like, she stroked her hand up and swiped at the bead. Lifting her finger to her lips, she hummed at the sweet taste of him, then let out a loud gasp when she heard the deep rumble of Kingston’s voice.

“So, my sweet little mate has turned into a naughty goddess who takes advantage of me while I’m passed out? I’m truly blessed.”

“Oh, my god. King, I–I’m so—”

Kingston laughed as her cheeks bloomed with color. He pulled her down against him and cuddled her close. “I was just kidding, mate. Feel free to touch me as much as you want.” He paused, then said, “Holy hell, that was…intense. I can’t believe I passed out on you. Sorry about that.”

“No, I’m the one who should be sorry. I shouldn’t have forced the mating mark on you before discussing it with you first.”

“You didn’t force it. I wanted to bond with you.” He sighed as he stroked a hand down her hair, then he lifted his head a little to study the mark on his chest. “I’ve heard all about the mating marks before but didn’t realize just how powerful it would be. Although I bet sharing magic with a goddess is probably a lot different than with any other supes.”

She sat up enough so she could stare down at him. “Are you sure I didn’t hurt you? Are you feeling uncomfortable or—”

“I’m fine, Tumi. I promise. Relax.”

Kingston was telling her the truth, but he didn’t bother mentioning that his body was still acclimating to the strong magic she had shared with him. If that was just a taste of how powerful she had become, then he no longer had to be obsessively concerned about her safety. Well, that wasn’t completely true. He would always worry about her. That was simply part of loving her. But now he could trust that she could handle herself if trouble came their way.

He pulled her down again so that she was snuggled up against his side. Waking up to find his sweet little mate exploring his body had been a scene straight out of one of his fantasies.

It was a fucking dream come true.

He was still hard and aching for her, but he forced himself to push his lust aside for a moment. There were too many blanks in his head, and he hated not knowing everything that she had gone through without him.

Making sure they were both comfortable, he pulled the blanket over them. “Tell me what happened to you.”

Resting her head on his chest, she told him about her trip to the Celestial Realm and what she’d been doing over the past few days. He continued to stroke her hair as he listened, but his hand paused a time or two whenever she told him something that he didn’t like. He didn’t interrupt her, waiting for her to finish the story before commenting or asking any questions.

When she finished, he chuckled. “I think you will be the perfect Goddess of Revenge.”

Her head lifted, and her brows winged up. “What? How can you say that? You know I’ve never been good at confrontations or arguments. I can barely deal with the irate customers we get at the bakery. You would make a much better revenge god.”

He sighed heavily. “I think that’s exactly why you were chosen. I’m way too comfortable with darkness and violence already. I’ve lived in the shadows and have seen just how twisted people can be. Someone like me might seem like a good fit, but it would be far too easy to tip over the edge of reason and abuse that power. You, on the other hand, will never lose your compassion and empathy. They are a vital part of who you are, which means you will always weigh your choices carefully when it comes to dishing out revenge.”

“I never thought of it that way.” Frowning, she nibbled on her lower lip. “I didn’t feel too empathetic when I crushed that car earlier.”

That made him laugh. “That was fucking awesome. If it had been me, I might have just crushed the two assholes.”

“I did consider it,” she admitted. “But I’m still learning how to use my new powers and didn’t want to risk destroying the neighborhood.”

“I agree that was probably for the best. So, you’ve been practicing magic with the reaper and a dark angel?”

She nodded. “They’ve been teaching me the basics of being a god. Everyone in the pack has also been helping me, and I’m glad I could get revenge for a few of them in return.”

He was silent for a long moment, then he let out a loud sigh. “I know Devlin Excess. In fact, I went to see him about a contract shortly after I moved to Mystic.”

That had her sitting up to glare at him. “You what? King, how could you? That’s dangerous!”

He sat up as well and rubbed his hands up and down her arms to comfort her. Her long hair covered her breasts from view, and he had to fight the urge to push the gleaming locks out of the way.

“Don’t worry. I didn’t end up signing anything.”

“Still! Why would you do such a thing?” she demanded.

To protect her, he thought, but he couldn’t exactly tell her that. Then again, she would probably find out eventually, so it was best to be honest about everything now.

“After I joined the fire department, I knew my enemies would come looking for me. And they did, over and over again. Once I met you and the Bazin pack, I knew I had to figure out a way to protect all of you.”
