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“I knew those other Alphas wouldn’t bite you,” he gloated. “They only saw you as a hole to fill. You’re our leftovers, Demi Leigh. You’re ruined goods. A reject.”

“I’m gonna fucking kill him,”Hades hissed lethally.

“You know that’s not true, Sunshine. Don’t let him get to you,”Knox coached.

“No one will ever want you—though I’m still willing to make an exception and keep you as a side piece.” Huck squeezed me closer, making sure I felt the outline of his erection against my stomach.

Hades barely kept himself together.“If he doesn’t take his hands off her—”

“Our new Omega never has to know.” Huck nodded toward where Anton chatted with a wealthy benefactor, a beautiful young Omega hanging on his arm. “Besides, she does exactly what we tell her to do. Boring, if you ask me, but convenient if it means she won’t ask questions and I get to keepyou.” His hand squeezed my ass, kneading it as he ground against me.

I suppressed a wince at my pack’s quiet snarls, but I couldn’t keep my body from tensing. Not breathing, I counted my steps, ready to use the top of the count when I stepped forward to plant my knee strategically between Huck’s legs. It wasn’t the kind of retribution I wanted, butdamn,would it be satisfying.

I couldn’t snap back at the ridiculousness he spewed without giving myself away, so I stayed silent. Almost.

“I’d move your hand if I were you,” I warned. “You don’t want to be nursing bruised balls when you have to be on stage in five minutes.”

He nearly groaned. “See? There’s the fun I miss. I can’t wait to break you all over again.” Then, as if he finally processed what I’d said, he pulled back and his eyes narrowed further. “What makes you think we’ll be on stage?”

I rolled my eyes. Thanks to Slade’s and Enoch’s infiltration of the security team, I had a minute-by-minute breakdown of this evening’s events, but that was my little secret.

Instead, I said, “I lived with you for eleven months. I think I know a campaign event when I see one.” I nodded toward the wealthy benefactors scattered across the room. “Pack Vanmoosan, famous for their foothold in the oil industry, Pack Tillman, who earned all their wealth in tech, the Gleason pack who comes from old world money, and then there are the Bandermooth, Rothe, and Williamson packs, all whom recently inherited money from their trusts, just to name a few more.” Out of all the packs I’d pointed out, only one had an Omega. No doubt Anton had persuaded them to invest in his political aspirations with promises of stricter rules for Omegas and an imbalanced matching process that favored the wealthy. Already, he was setting himself up to climb the rungs of political success by establishing the basis of his campaign. “This is a fundraising event for Anton’s political aspirations—which I assume he’ll be making a speech about in oh—” I checked the large, gilded clock across the room, squinting to read the time. “Four minutes and counting.”

“I’m impressed you know your patrons. Perhaps we underestimated yourusefulness.” He looked equal parts suspicious, but just as I predicted, he steered me off the dancefloor to the right of the stage.

I was still a few paces off from being positioned front and center for Anton’s big speech, but the element of surprise had been ruined, anyway. He knew I was here, but that wouldn’t stop me from fucking with his head while he gave the most important announcement of his political career thus far.

I just needed to antagonize him enough that he’d storm offstage at the end of his speech, follow me down the hallway to the left, and out the side door where I’d have reinforcements waiting. I was the bait in a pretty dress, a shiny lure to draw Anton’s attention.

“Does that mean I’m right and he’ll be announcing his run for governor of New York?” I inquired innocently.

Huck dropped his arms and gripped my bicep, none-to-gently steering me around the side of the stage.

Ouch! Wait a minute—

“Demi! Where the fuck are you going?”Jamison demanded.

It was darker over here behind the main lights, and I swallowed as Huck growled at one of the backstage hands to make himself scarce.

He released me with a shove and I turned, holding my hands out like I could stave him off.

“I’m only going to ask you this once, Demi Leigh,” he spat my name like it was bitter on his tongue. He prowled forward, and for every step of his advance, I retreated.

“Fuck!”Hades roared.

“Quiet,”Knox ordered.“She needs to focus and we need to hear.”

“What game are you playing?” Huck pushed me against the wall flanking the stage, crowding into my space. My fingers flexed near the slit in my dress while I tuned out my mates’ concerned murmurs in my ear. “You missing these dicks?” He grasped himself obscenely. “Or are you here for some ill attempt at revenge?” His fist slammed down next to my head, making me jump and gasp. “Because you’re sure as hell not here for a favor or to lend your support to Anton’s run for governor.”

“My business is with Anton,” I said, hating the slight waver in my voice. Chin jutting up, I faked confidence I didn’t feel.

“We’re on our way, Sunshine,”Knox promised.

Huck’s chest puffed up with his self-inflated ego. “Anything you have to say to him, you can say to me.”

I laughed wryly, leaning into the bitter, condescending edge. “I believe Anton would have a thing or two to say about that. You’ve never been the one in charge, Huck.”

I stuck the proverbial knife into that sore spot and twisted.
