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“In the hierarchy of your pack, you ranklast.”

A snarl ripped out of him, and I smiled. It was the wrong move to make because pain blossomed through my cheek as my head whipped sideways from the force of his backhand. The earpiece flew out of my ear, clattering to the ground.

Reed’s shoes clicked along the floor, landing on either side of the comm device while I cupped my cheek and tried to keep the tears from slipping out.

Fuck, that hurts.

“What’s this?” Reed tsked, picking up the earpiece and twisting it between his fingers. “Looks like our little Omega brought backup for whatever little plan she’s concocted.”

Distantly, I heard the growls on the other end of the line before Reed dropped it back to the ground and smashed it to pieces with the heel of his shoe. Plastic skirted along the floor while I watched on in horror, praying I hadn’t just ruined our entire mission.

“You couldn’t stay away, could you,pet?” Reed’s grin was maniacal, his eyes flashing with malicious intent. “Wait until Anton gets a load of you.”

Huck’s blade whipped out and pressed along my side, a kill shot if he was so inclined to actually stab me. I froze, only moving to slowly lift my arms in surrender.

“Walk,” he demanded.

My pulse fluttered in my neck like a trapped bird as I followed their demands, passing through a doorway behind the stage.

“Change of plan, Rigsby,” Reed told a man with a clipboard, and my eyes widened as I recognized the same asshole from the auction and the OMA. If I had any doubts, the scar on the backs of his knuckles confirmed my suspicion. “Delay the speech by half an hour. And tell our top investors they can pick up their packages before the end of the event at the west entrance at half-past eleven.”

The smarmy man’s eyes lit up when he saw me, gleeful I’d been apprehended. “Absolutely, sir. Should I arrange a sale for this one again, now that you’ve reclaimed her? I have a waitlist and could easily erase her name from the OMA database once more.”

“No,” Reed snapped. “That will be all. Send Mr. Aster back. We have business to deal with before we commence with our evening.”

I knew the ‘business’ he spoke of was me, but my mind was still stuck on the information I had gleaned.

My mind spun. “You’re selling Omegas?Here?” No wonder there were so many single packs at tonight’s event.

“Damage control after your pack’s little stunt lost us a shit ton of profit,” Huck snapped. “Now we have too many Omegas with no place to go.”

Fuck!I needed that earpiece to get the message back to Jamison so they could intercept the women who were being sold.

“Gotta get rid of ‘em somehow. It was this or wait another quarter for our next event. But you don’t need to worry,little mouse.” Reed captured a lock of my hair and twirled it around his finger. “You’re not for sale. Not this time.”



If I thoughtHuck and Reed were formidable, they had nothing on Anton.

His rage was an oppressive cloud bearing down on me from the moment he stepped backstage. With Huck’s knife aimed at my kidney and Reed’s strong grip on my upper arm, they hauled me outside through the wrong door.

No, no, no!My entire plan hinged on drawing these men out on the other side of the building. We were in the wrong place at the wrong time. My heart pounded harder as I fished for an idea,any idea,to get this night back on track.

As it stood, I’d royally fucked up. I’d broken Knox’s first rule: never end up alone with Pack Silver.

Once again, my fingers flexed like I was a gunslinger in an old western. The weight of the weapon concealed on my thigh beneath the skirt of my dress was a beacon of hope amid this shitstorm.

Your pack is coming.

Any minute now, I expected my men to burst through the doors, tracking the locket that hung protectively between my collarbones, but I needed to be prepared, regardless. If they didn’t make it in time, I had the power to save myself.

You’re strong and capable, I reassured myself as I ran through the rules Knox had drilled into me when he taught me to shoot. I didn’t relish killing a man, but I also didn’t relish dying. Or being tortured first.

Anton had that glint in his eyes that terrified me. It was cruel, calculating, and ruthless. He wouldn’t hesitate to make me suffer—a fact he’d proven time and time again—and to make my mates suffer by association.

“You shouldn’t have come back, Demi,” he warned as he spun to face me. “It proves how stupid and naïve you are to think you can challenge me. In my city, no less. Did you really think you could show up at my event and I wouldn’t know it?”
