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The knife clattered to the ground alongside Huck, and I kicked it out of the way as Reed charged me with a psychotic roar.

I reached for my gun. The weight felt good in my hand, and I flipped off the safety.

Always know your target and what’s behind it.

Reed. Anton.

Anton. Reed.

I saw them both so clearly.

Gripping the gun with both hands, I pulled the trigger, once, then twice, before Reed collided with me and I slammed into the asphalt. My head cracked back against the ground with a sickening thud and I struggled to fill my lungs. Dots swam in my vision and I blinked, trying to clear the picture.

Reed loomed over me as I writhed on the ground, doing my best to breathe. He gripped his arm as blood spurted out of the bullet wound in his bicep.

I did it. I hit him.Pride swelled in my chest as I watched him bleed.I fuckingshothim.

I wasn’t vindictive by nature. The Omega in me didn’t thrive on violence or conflict, but there was a sweet sense of justice that came from protecting myself out of necessity.

Demi—one. Reed—zero.

“You fuckingbitch!” he raged, knocking the gun out of my grip and closing his hands over my throat, cutting off my air supply.

I scrambled to pry his fingers off my neck, but at this angle, it came down to strength more than agility. The world spun, everything going hazy around the edges.

I pushed at Reed’s arms, his slick blood making it hard to find enough purchase to pry him off.

My lungs burned and my heart screamed as darkness descended, promising to blanket me in pain-free bliss. I clung tooth and nail to the edges of consciousness, then let my palm skirt along the rough ground, searching for something—anything—that I could use as a weapon. The cool bit of metal grazed across my fingertips and I strained for it.

The uneven sound of Anton’s shoes on the pavement had my eyes widening as his large frame blocked out the moonlight above, casting me in shadow. Palm pressed against the wound in his thigh to staunch the bleeding, he growled the most menacing sound I’d ever heard.

Until the cold, metallic click of his gun echoed through the night.

The barrel swung toward my head, and my life flashed before my eyes… but the only parts that mattered were these last few months with my mates.

Amidst the turmoil we’d survived, they were my happiest memories. Each one of my men completed a part of me that had been achingly empty before we’d met.

Jamison with his steadfast strength and support. I’d been terrified of him at first, unable to read him, but the closer I drew, the more I realized that beneath his gruff exterior and need for control was a man who carried the weight of his pack on his shoulders. He dedicated his life to taking care of those he loved, nurturing them, and watching them grow without ever needing credit or recognition. Selflessly, he gave everything to his packmates, and now, to me.

Thane with his endless humor and easy smiles. He lit up my life, chasing away the shadows I thought would live with me forever. But beneath his mirth was a man who just wanted to be loved. To be chosen. To beseen. He thrived on praise and was just as quick with kind words and encouragement. He was a dreamer and had given me the love and safety I needed to realize I could be, too.

Leo, who, like his scent, was warm and comforting. He’d felt like home from the moment I laid eyes on him. Without pushing, he’d fostered my confidence and shown me what my life could be. It was because of him I’d learned to trust again. With his endless empathy, he always seemed to know what everyone needed and gave it freely without ever needing to be asked. I couldn’t imagine where I’d be today if I hadn’t run into him that fateful day in the gym. He’d changed my life, and I didn’t know how I’d ever be able to repay him.

Hades, whose scary, tattooed exterior had frightened me until I’d glimpsed the cinnamon roll underneath. I had no doubt he could back up his bark—or growl, as the case may be—with an equally terrifying bite, but he’d proven time and again that he’d never hurt me. He may be growly and possessive, but he’d protect me and our pack—his chosen family—until his dying breath, going to the ends of the earth to ensure our safety and happiness.

Eli, who nurtured and healed both medically and otherwise. He’d repaired my heart one piece at a time, giving me the power of autonomy. He advocated for me until I could advocate for myself, standing by my side in solidarity instead of in front of or behind me. His faith in me never wavered. He showed me the beauty in life, and in myself.

Knox, with his intense strength and level head. He was my unwavering safeguard. My shelter. My foundation. The rock on which I stood. He’d taught me resilience and helped me realize I had power even when I felt powerless. He saw my strengths instead of my weaknesses. Because of him, I felt bold and brave. No one had ever cared about me with such vehemence—such force.

That fierceness lent me strength as I stretched another inch more and curled my hand around the hilt of my gun.

My throat burned, my lungs aching from lack of oxygen, but I gathered the remainder of my strength and lifted my arm.

Don’t aim at anything you’re not willing to destroy. Knox’s words stayed with me as I set my aim.

The world slowed, and I watched the muscles of Anton’s neck strain in anger as he yelled his rage, his finger tightening on the trigger.

This was it. I was going to die.
