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But I’d be damned if I wasn’t taking Anton down with me.

My finger squeezed.

The balance had to be righted; justice served. There was no world in any universe where he lived while I died.

Chaos erupted through the alleyway, but it was too late.

A gunshot tore through the night.



I didn’t like this.Not one fucking bit.

Heavy footfalls echoed down the quiet hallway as I raced toward Demi’s last known location, according to the tracking device Knox had convinced her to wear. I’d kiss the man if I swung even remotely in that direction, but I’d have to find another way to show my gratitude when this night was fucking over because the locket tracker had been a stroke of brilliance.

The need to get to my woman was as vital as fucking breathing. I’d known this plan was a bad idea from the start, but I’d figured my vehement protests against it had more to do with my usual brutishly protective nature than any sixth sense about how this night would transpire. Turns out, hindsight was a bitch.

Seconds felt like hours as I tore through the halls, questioning every choice that led me to this moment.

Once my mate set her mind to something, nothing would sway her. But I should have found a way. I should have stopped her. Fucking hell, I should have tracked Anton and the others down myself and killed them with bare hands before they had an opportunity to even breathe in her direction.

My heart thundered like the beat of racing wild stallions.

Hang on, Baby Girl. I’m on my way!

Approaching the east exit, Jamison huffed through the comms device in my ear that we all wore.

“Almost there,” I growled.

Another hallway intersected mine, but I didn’t stop moving, not even when Leo skidded around the corner and joined me as we rushed for the exit at the end of the hall. I slammed into the handle, forcing the door open so hard it protested with a loud creak, ready to come off its damn hinges.

Night air surrounded me, tinted with the scent of gunfire. Terror tore through my chest like a living beast when I spotted Demi on the ground with Reed overtop of her, strangling the life out of my mate’s nearly prone body.

No! No! Fuck, no!I took off at a sprint, my vision hazing red. Pure, unadulterated rage blazed bright and hot within me, curling my hands into fists as it seared through my veins. I pumped my legs, pushing every physical limit I had to get to her faster.

The hair on my arms and legs lifted as I spotted Pack Silver’s furious leader draw to a halt beside Demi. Anton towered above her, his face a twist of fury as he aimed the barrel of his gun in her direction.

Her arm swung up at the same moment, her gun shaking in weakened fingers.

Chaos erupted in the alley as my pack poured out of the various exits and converged on the horrible scene, but we were too late.

A crack as loud as thunder forced the air from my lungs, stopping my fucking heart. I couldn’t breathe… couldn’t think.

“Demi…” My voice was a hoarse variation of itself, barely audible past the cacophony of shouts.

Jamison and Knox reached her first and ripped Reed off of our mate, dragging him away cursing and screaming, but all I saw was the gentle whoosh of Demi’s arm as her muscles gave out and it fell lifelessly back to the ground.

A savage, vicious roar sliced up my throat. Pushing harder, I closed the distance, sights set on the man who’d stolen everything from me. I threw the considerable heft of my weight straight into Anton as he staggered backward to escape the collision.

Together, we fell.

The sickening crack of his skull against the asphalt wasn’t nearly enough to quell my tempestuous fury. A violent storm of rage ravaged my insides as I drew back and threw a powerful punch to the asshole’s face. The crunch of bone and cartilage was satisfying, but I needed more.

More blood. More penance. Just…more.

I barely felt his weak attempt to fight back.
