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It had been years since I’d had the freedom to go out in public, first because my father had been hiding me away, waiting for the day he could use me as a bargaining chip, and then because Anton refused to let me leave the penthouse, high on his own power trip. He’d thrived on making me obey whatever contrived rules he set.

The Omega in me preened at the idea of dating and romance. A true courtship, the way it was intended to be. I dreamed of dressing up and looking nice for my mates. Of being shown off and thriving under their attention. Of not having to hide.

I’d never been proud of my designation before, but on their arms, astheirOmega? That was a different story entirely.

So when Mr. Hurst appeared with one of their Omega ambassadors, I ignored my pounding pulse and tried to conceal my trembling hands. I wanted this, and that made the stress worth it.

“Demi, this is Ava, the manager of the Bridgeport Omega Matching Agency,” Mr. Hurst made the introductions.

Ava’s copper-colored hair was pulled into a high ponytail that swished when she walked, and her skin was a beautiful, deep brown. Curvy and confident, she wore a bodycon dress that clung in all the right places without being overly showy—cute yet professional. I instantly wanted some of her poise. By comparison, I felt underdressed in my jeans and long-sleeve, v-neck henley. I liked it because it was a partial button-down, hugged nicely, and had decorative buttons on the cuffs, but I looked comfortable compared to her stylish dress.

Boldly crossing through the throng of my Alphas and Beta to shake my hand, Ava greeted, “It’s lovely to meet you, Demi.”

“You as well.”

“If you’ll come this way, we’ll get started.”

“We’re coming with you,” Hades stated, leaving no room for arguments.

Ava cocked her head, not the least bit intimidated. “I’m sorry, but this is a process Demi has to go through on her own. We need her most honest answers on the questionnaires without worrying about what others might want to hear, and your scents would only taint the scent binders she needs to go through. Rest assured, I’ll return her back to you as soon as possible.”

“Yeah, that’s not happening.” Knox crossed his arms, facing off with the manager, anger contorting his features.

Thane tried to look encouraging, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Eli, on the other hand, looked stricken while Leo tipped my chin up.

“We’ll be right here, waiting for you,” he vowed, then kissed my forehead sweetly. “Don’t worry about this lot. I’ll make sure they behave while you’re gone.”

“Fuck—” Hades growled, then scooped me up and cradled me against his chest. He purred, and I melted. “What Leo said. I’ll be right fuckin’ here. Yell loud if you need me and I’ll break the damn door down, alright?”

I giggled, picturing a Hades-sized hole in the wall. Nothing would keep him away if I needed him. That visual helped me relax as much as his purr did.

Jamison rolled his neck, inhaled, and released it before reaching for me next. “It might make me sound like a possessive bastard,” he admitted as he wrapped me in his arms, “but I don’t like having you out of my sight.”

Footsteps sounded behind us, and my pack whipped around, surrounding me protectively.

I barely caught a glimpse of the blond woman before bulging biceps and strong backs blocked my view.

“What about conducting the initial intake appointment in one of the conference rooms instead? They’re glass, if I remember correctly.” An unfamiliar voice chimed in, slightly out of breath. More than a little amused, she added, “Thereisan Omega behind this wall of testosterone, isn’t there? Sweet mercy, Alphas are so overprotective. It’s just little ol’ me.”

“Kimber?” Knox straightened and rushed forward, pulling the smiling blonde into a hug. I peeked through the hole he’d made in their protective wall. Lifting her off her feet, he mumbled, “Thank fuck you made it.”

“I don’t think you’ve ever been this happy to see me before,” she laughed.

“Shut up and just enjoy my show of appreciation.”

She squeezed him back. “I jumped in the car the second you called and drove straight here. Took me three hours, but I made it. I’ll always come when you call.”

“Who’s Kimber?” I whispered to Thane.

Leaning down, he answered, “Kimber is one of Knox’s sisters.”

“Sweet baby Jesus, you didn’t even tell her about me?” Kimber swatted Knox, who winced playfully like she’d had the power to actually hurt him. She didn’t. Not much taller than me, she barely cleared his shoulder.

Knox rubbed a hand along the back of his neck as led her over. “Demi, this is my sister. She works for the OMA in northern Maine. I thought she might be able to help us. Outside of our pack, there’s no one I trust more than my family.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I said, unsure if I should offer her a hug or a handshake.

She made it easy and decided for me, pulling me into a warm hug before stepping back and holding me at arm’s length.
