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“You didn’t tell me how pretty she is! You’re stunning. How did you end up with my behemoth of a brother? He doesn’t deserve someone as gorgeous as you.”

“Thanks for that,” Knox jibbed dryly.

I laughed, a smile coming easily. Somehow, Kimber had completely distracted me and set me at ease.

“I’m serious. I need all the details after we’re done with this. But first, Demi and I have some business to attend to.” Linking her arm with mine, she tugged me over to Mr. Hurst and Ava, who watched the chaos with bemused expressions.

Wasting no time, Kimber introduced herself, and after checking her credentials, it was decided that Kimber would accompany me and conduct my intake appointment with Ava.

Grabbing her laptop, Ava escorted me into one of the glass conference rooms, where I had a clear view of my pack. With a deep breath, I walked through the door, waving at my mates before settling into my chair.

More than ready to get this over with, I rubbed my hands together and nodded at Ava and Kimber. “Let’s do this.”

“I’m glad to see your enthusiasm. You’re going to need it.” Ava smirked and opened her laptop conspiratorially.

Gazing at Kimber, I shrugged, the motion asking for more clarification.

She snickered. “Oh, sweet Demi. You have no clue what you’re in for. Buckle up. This is about to be an experience.”

“I thought I was just answering a few questions. How hard can it be?”

Kimber chuckled. “A few?”

My heart sank. “That bad, huh?”

“It’s one step closer to sealing yourself to my brother’s pack, if that helps. Though how you’ll deal with six stinky men who forget to put the toilet seat down and leave hair shavings all over the sink, I do not know. Trust me. I lived with Knox. It’s not pretty.”

Ava pressed her lips together to hide a smile. “I thought our job was tohelpOmegas match with a pack. Not talk them into becomingspinsters.”

“You’ve obviously been at this longer than I have. Teach me your ways, sensei.” Kimber teased, bowing playfully.

Ava snorted and shook her head, but then a wicked light sparked to life in her eyes as she leaned forward in her seat like she was departing a secret. “If you need some incentive to match with a pack, I’ve heard the sex is incredible. Especially when you go through heat.”

A blush stained my cheeks, the warmth scalding as it traveled down my neck.

Ava narrowed in on the rosy hue, and she reclined in her seat. “Though it seems you already know all about that, don’t you?” There was no judgement in her tone, only curiosity and maybe a hint of wistfulness. “You went through heat with that pack?”

“I did.” I wouldn’t be ashamed of it. My heart felt like it could explode with love and happiness. “And you’re right… itwasincredible!”

“Ew!Gross. You’re talking about my brother. I need brain bleach or a rewind button. Preferably both,” Kimber whined. “I am never going to forgive you for that.”

I laughed until tears watered in my eyes, but it wasn’t long before we’d settled and Ava got to work asking me a million and five questions about myself while my men hovered right outside.

* * *


“I fuckin’ hate this,” Hades grumbled as he stood beside me with his arms crossed. Feet wide, shoulders braced, he looked like an immovable statue.

Hell, I’m sure we all seemed like statues, standing in a line with our noses practically pressed against the glass of the conference room. We’d taken on the persona of bodyguards, but there was no way any of us were leaving Demi alone in there.

My attention remained riveted to her profile, watching for signs of distress. The second she seemed troubled, this was over.

The desire to claim Demi was strong, but I wouldn’t put her at risk to do it. All my instincts screamed at me to get her the fuck out of here. Putting her name on the registry would make her a target all over again if Anton caught wind of it. The smarmy bastard would never let her go. He was the kind of man who didn’t tolerate a slight. With a fragile ego and a vindictive streak, he was dangerous—an unstable stick of dynamite that could blow at any fucking second.

I wanted Demi far away from the blast whenever he detonated. And I knew he would. The asshole would retaliate once he realized we’d taken our mate back and cost him the half a million she’d nearly sold for. We’d already tarnished Demi in his eyes, and now this.

There was no way in hell he’d let that drop.
