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She giggled, and the sound gripped my heart, refusing to let it go.

“I love you, Sweetness.”

Her lips curved. “I love you too,” she sighed sleepily.

“You ready to go home?” I murmured, tracing my fingers over the dip of her waist. She was so soft and feminine against me. I’d never tired of the feel of her velvety skin.

Suddenly awake, she gazed sharply over her shoulder, her eyes glistening. “Really?”

“I wouldn’t tease you about something I know you want so badly.”

“We can go back to Vermont? To Maverick Falls?”

“If that’s what you’d like.”

“Yes. I love it here, but I miss home. I miss my nest.” The last part, she murmured quietly. “It’s crazy to call it mine. Really, truly mine. I tried so hard to have faith that everything would work out, and here we are.” She shook her head like she still couldn’t believe it. “All that’s missing are your bites on my skin.”

A purr rumbled to life in my chest at the idea of marking her. “Soon, Sweetness.” I leaned down and kissed her neck, right over the spot I planned to sink my teeth into.

I hoped she’d go into heat again before long. The overwhelming need to mate would help ease any pain she’d experience from our bites, but we might not be able to wait that long. The desire to claim Demi rode my Alpha, driving me to near madness anytime I was this close to her. My teeth ached just thinking about it. If she didn’t go into heat, there were other ways to ensure she was blissed out before we marked her.

But first…home.

“Sleep now. We’ll pack in the morning, and once we’re home, we’ll plan our bonding.”

My mate yawned, innocent and sweet, and nestled deeper into my body as she closed her eyes. Bracing myself, I groaned from the delicious tugs against my knot. Wrapping my arm around her, I covered her belly with my hand and held her still against me.

As I watched her relax and drift off, I couldn’t believe what a lucky bastard I was.

Her unending trust in me was as astounding as it was addicting, and I knew then with indisputable clarity that I was as obsessed as I was in love.

This woman was mine.My Omega.

I’d do whatever it took to keep her safe and happy for the rest of my life, because I was never,everletting her go.



I pushedmy shoulder against the door of the nest, careful not to jostle the tray of food and spill the tea as I ducked inside. It had been a week since we’d been home, and already I knew I’d never grow tired of seeing Demi sprawled out comfortably in the center of her nest. Blankets and pillows surrounded her on all sides, some of them ruffled and tossed back from days of having a big old slumber party together in this room.

She hadn’t wanted to be alone, and we were more than happy to oblige whatever our lady wished. Our mate slept better when we all surrounded her, our various scents weaving together in a perfect harmony. The blend of our signatures was like catnip for our Omega.

Demi, who out-slept us all this morning, snored softly. The sound was fucking adorable.

Keeping my balance as I crossed the cushioned floor, I dropped to my knees and set the tray to the side. Unable to resist, I cuddled up to her side and propped my head on my hand as I stared down at her sleeping form.

A large part of me didn’t want to wake our girl, but it was past eleven and she hadn’t eaten since last night.

“Demi,” I called softly, gently brushing the hair off her cheek. “Wake up, Darling.”

I cooed to her twice more before her lids fluttered open.

“Hi,” she sighed as she stretched. “Did I oversleep?”

“Not at all, but I made you breakfast and wanted to make sure you ate something.”
