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Her hand went to her belly, and she winced.

Immediate worry infused my chest. “You okay?”

Sucking in a deep breath, she blew it out slowly, then nodded. “Yeah. Sorry.”

I eyed the eggs benedict on the tray, wondering if I should switch it out for some toast. Opting to ease her into eating to make sure her stomach cooperated, I handed her the London Fog.

“Try the tea. Hopefully, it’ll help settle your stomach.”

She waved her hand through the air as she sat up. “I’m fine. Really. Now that I’m up, I’m starving.” Her stomach chose that moment to rumble its agreement.

Still, I made a mental note to make a pot of soup for lunch, something brothy and easy to digest, just in case she was coming down with a bug.

I watched her like a hawk through the first couple of sips, but when it seemed she’d keep it down, I relaxed. Propping some pillows against the side of the nest, I helped Demi arrange herself, propping her up and then settling the tray over her lap.

“What did I do to deserve breakfast in bed?” she took another sip, then picked up her fork, taking a tentative bite of the eggs benedict. Her moan made me smile. “Gods, this is delicious.”

“As delicious as the taste of my cu—”

“Thane!” Demi screeched, picking up a small throw pillow and tossing it at me.

I chuckled, recalling last night and the insatiable way she’d sucked me off. And she hadn’t stopped there, taking one after the other of us, claiming we tasted just like our scents and she washungry. Sweet Fates. The idea of her craving me woke my cock right back up.

Not now, I practically groaned.

We had plans today, and I wouldn’t fuck ‘em up just because I was eager to feel my woman’s lips wrapped around me again.

As if on cue, Hades knocked on the door and strode in, hunching because of the low ceiling. His full attention settled on Demi like she was the sole reason the sun rose each morning. “You sleep well, Baby Girl?”

“Mmhmm,” Demi hummed around another bite.

“Good. How would you like to go out today?”

Demi swallowed fast, nearly choking. “Out?”

Hades smiled, his grin lopsided. “Yeah, Baby. Out.”

Narrowing her eyes, not sure she believed him, she clarified, “As in, outside? Or out into the world to see and do things?”

I stifled a laugh, rubbing a hand over my mouth to hide the corresponding smirk. It sounded like our Omega was going a little stir-crazy, tired of being in seclusion.

Hades shook his head, amused. “Leo and I thought we might take you by the gym—officially this time. Show you where we work. Maybe go out to eat after.”

“Like on a date?” Demi’s eyes sparkled with hope.

“Yeah, Baby. Exactly like a date.”

The squee that sounded from Demi was inhuman. Shoveling two more quick bites, downing a few gulps of tea, and shoving a biscotti between her teeth, she scrambled out from under the tray of food. With the cutest little hop and wiggle, she pulled Hades down to her level and smacked a kiss on his cheek before running for the bathroom, yelling about how she had to get ready.

Her perfume hung in the air, rich and sweet and happy.

“She’s not too excited,” I quipped, stealing a bite of her abandoned breakfast, hoping, belatedly, that she’d eaten enough to hold her over. I’d send some snacks with Hades and Leo in case she got hungry before they grabbed food later on.

“I’m fuckin’ thrilled she’s excited, but it also makes me so damn angry,” Hades grumbled, and I understood what he meant.

It was the first time in years she’d been allowed to go out on the town.

The government strictly forbade Omegas from being out in public unless chaperoned by their pack or family members. The isolation and loneliness we forced upon them after designating was wrong on so many levels. I understood the need to keep them safe, but not at the expense of their mental and emotional health.
