Page 100 of Don't Make Promises

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Sheepishly, much like now, he’d thrust them at me and shrugged as he asked me if they were still my favorite. Given the fact that nobody had bought me flowers in a long time, I threw myself at him. Ripping his clothes from his body as I said thank you, repeatedly. Since that day, he’s bought me flowers every week and I’ve thanked him in my own unique way each time.

He smooths a strand of my hair back. “You can thank me later, angel.”

I press my chest to his, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hand skates down my back and he grabs a handful of my ass.

My words come out husky and charged with my need for him as I reply, “Oh, I plan to.”

A throat clears behind Noah and we turn to find Jack standing on the threshold looking less than impressed. “Do you think you could maybe not do this right now? Some of us would like to get to the party.”

Biting my lip to keep my grin at bay, I say as sweetly as I can, “Of course. I’ll go get changed and then we can head out.”

Jack nods, closing the door behind him. An inherent need to see my brother happy has me asking, “How have Sutton and him been?”

I told Noah about the conversation I had all those months ago with Sutton. He wasn’t mad or jealous, and although it wasn’t my intention, it solidified his love for me even more.

I’m under strict instructions to not meddle, and let Sutton and Jack find their own way to each other. But clearly my man doesn’t know me as well as he thinks he does. I already have five ideas on how I can get them on a date. He did make a good point about that possibly being the reason that Jack left town.

Noah shrugs, pulling me into his side as we walk to my dressing room. “About as well as you would expect. She’s ignoring him, while he looks at her like she’s a balloon he accidentally released into the sky.”

I’m sure they’ll figure it out.With a little help.

“Don’t even think about it, angel.”

I hate that he can read me so well. But I also love it so much.

There’s been one thing he hasn’t been able to get a read on though. Or maybe he has, and he just doesn’t want to ruin my surprise.

When it’s just us at home, I’m going to take the ring I have stuffed in the spare room closet and ask him to marry me.

* * *


I’ve wrestled with this decision for weeks, not wanting to take the shine away from her special day. It’s why I’m still going to wait. Even as the ring box burns a hole in my suit jacket pocket.

She was captivating to watch up on that stage. And I want her to bask in the praise and attention from everyone for that. For what she’s achieved with her hard work and skill. Not because I put a ring on her finger. It’s the least that she deserves.

I can wait.

Maybe if I repeat it to myself over and over again it’ll be true.

The fact of the matter is that I want to make her my wife. I want to fill her with my babies. I want to give her everything her heart has ever desired. But most of all, I want her to know that she has my heart and my soulforever. She always has, and I was a fool to think that I’d ever be able to keep it from her.

I waited in her dressing room as she got changed, the flowers arriving thick and fast. The only ones she kept going back to were mine. I don’t think she even realized she was doing it. It would be a sniff here or a feel of a petal there, but she gravitated towards them as she moved about the room. It was a beautiful sight to see, making my heart burst with love for her.

After mingling with the cast and crew for a couple of hours, we came home to eat some ‘proper food’, as Savannah called it. We celebrated her and the success we all know will come for her. I’m in awe at how lucky I am. To think I nearly lost her, that she was ready to say goodbye to me because I thought I’d promised something I never did.

We’ve been home for an hour now. Savannah ran off to the spare bedroom twenty minutes ago, and although I’m pretending to read a book on business strategy, my mind is wandering.

The ring box sits in the drawer of my bedside table, just in case the mood strikes me in the middle of the night. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility, especially as on many occasions, I’ve been tempted to slip it onto her finger to see if she notices when she wakes.

Savannah clears her throat, standing on the threshold as she leans against the doorjamb with her hands hidden behind her back. She’s naked and I don’t have to be asked twice to give her my undivided attention. I throw the book on the bedside table, the dull thud of it hitting the carpet the only thing telling me I missed.

“Come here,” I command, my cock stirring to life under the covers.

She shakes her head. “If I asked you to do something for me, no questions asked, would you?”

The question is the same one I asked her nearly a year and a half ago.
