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That’s when I hear it.

The unmistakable sound of a woman faking her orgasm. It’s all breathy and porno sounding. I should know, I had to do enough of that with Will.

Maybe it’s not him.

Who am I kidding? Of course it’s him. He’s very anal about his space. He wouldn’t let just anyone in here and certainly not to screw.

Not one to shy away from confrontation, because I firmly believe that life is too short to cower away from it, I move toward the staircase.

What strikes me in this moment as I sneak up the stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible, is that I’m not hurt by what I’ve walked in on. Not even a little. If anything, I’m relieved.

Relief that I don’t have to give up my time and effort for a man I knew even before I went away, wasn’t right for me. I was settling, but in doing so I was playing the greatest role of my life. The doting girlfriend. Heck, I was coming home from an exhausting trip, prepared to clean up after this guy. My meemaw would be furious if she could have heard me.

I reach the top of the stairs, pausing as I plan my approach. One side of me—the one with a flair for the dramatics—wants to make a scene, play the scorned woman. But the other side—the one that’s bone tired and just wants to shower and go to bed—wants to get her stuff and leave. I settle for somewhere in the middle.

The noises grow louder with each step I take. Why does it suddenly feel like he lives in a mansion? The anticipation builds inside of me as I move down the corridor.

It really is a surprise I didn’t hear them when I first came in. I can’t help the smirk that graces my lips as a thought comes to me.

I’m surprised he’s lasted this long.

With me, Will was more of a two pumps and he’s done kind of guy. The more and more I think about it, I really am better off. I’d almost go as far as to say, he’s done me a favor. Although this is the first time I’ve ever been cheated on—as far as I know—I can imagine it’s never nice, but when you were only half in, it doesn’t really hurt at all.

As I navigate down the corridor, I send up a silent prayer that I don’t run across a stray, creaky floorboard that gives away my approach. Before moving in, I stayed over countless nights, but never paid much attention to the noises that the house made. I really wish I had, because if my plan is going to work, I need the advantage of a sneak attack.

My approach is halted when my gaze lands on a small bag of white powder laying in the middle of the floor. I’m trying to process everything that I’ve seen so far but nothing is making any sense.

Is this even Will’s house?

I mean, the key worked, so it’s got to be the right one, but drugs and people having sex in the middle of the day?That’s not Will.

Clearly I don’t know Will, because there’s no denying the moans and grunts are him.

Maybe whoever he has in there brought it with them. Will treats his body like a temple. I’m talking about green juices that taste like ass and protein shakes that aren’t much better.

He wouldn’t do drugs. But who am I kidding, I don’t know what he would and wouldn’t do. Especially because he’s in there having sex with another woman.

My eyes dart to the slightly ajar door, and if the grunting noises are anything to go by, we’re reaching the grand finale.

I pick up the packet and move toward the door with it clutched in my hand. Their voices fill the room, both gasping for breath as if they’ve run a marathon.

“More, Willy baby. I need more.”

Will grunts, his voice coming in breathy gasps as he replies, “God, you feel so good. You’ve got the most perfect lady garden. It’s the best I’ve ever had.”

I think I might be sick.

Pushing the door open soundlessly, I stand and watch as my—ex—boyfriend and a mysterious redhead have sex in our bed.His bed. They don’t hear me as I wait; they’re too engrossed in each other.

As I lean against the doorjamb, watching Will’s hips as they piston at a speed I’m unfortunately very familiar with and know happens when he’s about to come. Like a lightbulb moment, it hits me and I realize why I’m not hurt by this betrayal.

I’m not going to get into that now. There are more important things to confront than why I was never one hundred percent in this relationship.

With a slow clap, I push away from the doorjamb and move into the room before they can finish. “That was quite a show. Y’all should sell tickets, I’m sure it’ll sell out. Personally, I won’t attend again. I think once is enough.”

Will and the mystery woman separate at high speed. My lips twitch as I watch Will comically leap like a grasshopper away from the woman. He moves so fast I’m surprised they don’t sustain any injuries.

Throwing off the covers, he stands next to the bed, his now softening cock slapping around as he tries to get his bearings.Nice, no condom.His chest rises and falls with his labored breaths and I watch as he looks from me to the door, licking his lips, as he assesses his options.

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