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He doesn’t sound much like my larger than life big brother when he replies, “Honestly? I’m not sure.”

‘If he ever will’ are the unspoken words that hang between us. I don’t press him on why he’s left, there obviously is something—or someone—but I know that he’ll tell me when he’s ready. I hope. It wouldn’t be a surprise if he didn't though, not when I wasn’t even around to say goodbye in person.

“I’m sorry, Jack.” I scrub a palm over my forehead and my mind works at double speed to come up with a solution to my predicament.

There’s a soft chuckle on the other end of the line before Jack asks, “What are you sorry for, little sis?”

“For being too busy to notice you left the country. For only calling you when I need something. The list is endless, Jack.” I throw the arm not holding my phone up in the air as I release an exasperated sigh, earning a few curious stares from passersby.

Jack is quiet for so long that I end up pulling the phone away from my ear to make sure it’s still connected.

When he does speak, I can hear the smile that I imagine is tugging at his lips. I close my eyes as tears, that I won’t let fall, burn my eyes. Damn, do I miss him and the life that seems to have passed me by.

“You know you can always call on me to help you with whatever trouble you get yourself into. Even when I’m in another country.” He yawns and I can hear the sheets rustle as if he’s sitting up in bed. “What do you need, Sav?”

My voice is strong and sure as I say, “It’s okay, I’ll figure it out. I live in New York, there are a million hotels to choose from.”

Well, none that I can afford that aren’t infested with bed bugs. I silence the voice in my head because it isn’t being very helpful right now.

“Hotel? Why do you need a hotel? What happened?”

“I don’t really wanna talk about it right now,” I say, not wanting to pile onto whatever Jack’s dealing with. “I just need somewhere to stay for a couple of nights.”

“Oh. I would offer you to stay at my place but I’ve hired contractors, and the place is being gutted and renovated. Let me make a few calls, I’ll see if I can find you someone to stay with.”

I know who thatsomeoneis that Jack’s referring to and there’s not a chance in hell am I staying there. Him calling that one person I’ve actively and successfully avoided for too long to stop now is off limits. I know my brother well enough to know thathewould be the first person Jack calls without him even saying his name.

“It’s okay, big brother, I’ll figure this out. Believe it or not, I’m a grown up. I can look after myself.” Hell, I just punched a guy. Finding somewhere to stay, at least for tonight, is going to be a piece of coconut cake in comparison.

Jack hesitates, probably because he already knows the answer. “Do you need me to send you some money for a hotel?”

Pulling in a breath, because I know he only means well, I reply, “No. Thank you. I have money. It was more about the company side of things. I sorta miss you, big brother.”

There’s a reluctance lacing his words as Jack replies, “If you’re sure.” He pauses, deciding something. A heavy sigh travels down the line before he continues, “I don’t like it but I’ll accept it. Promise me, as soon as you get there and you’re settled, you’ll text me where you’re stayin’. I mean the full address, room number, floor, everythin’, okay?”

I roll my eyes, because you wouldn’t have guessed I was a whole twenty-seven years old with the way he treats me sometimes.

Sucking in a breath and moving further into the corner I’m huddled into, I reply, “Fine. Go back to sleep and you’ll wake up to a message with the details. What time is it over there anyway?”

“It’s nearly midnight,” he yawns again. “If there isn’t a message, I won’t hesitate to call the cops, Sav.”

Geez Louise, and I thought I was supposed to be the dramatic one.

I disconnect the call and pull up the web browser on my phone. A notification pops up on the screen, telling me I’ve got twenty percent charge left. As if this day couldn’t get any worse.

Within five minutes, I’m on the move again, to a hotel. It was the only one in my budget that didn’t look like a murder hotel. I’ll have to figure out somewhere else to stay longer term, but at least for tonight and tomorrow, I’ll have somewhere to sleep.



When I arrive at the hotel, I’ve half a mind to call Jack back and see what friends he might have in the city that I could stay with. The outside is dingy and dark, and when I tug open the heavy glass door, the inside doesn't look much better, making me pause on the threshold.

If I was certain I could make it back to the subway station without being followed, I’d try and find somewhere else to stay. As it is, and with my safety in mind, this is where I’ll be resting my head tonight.

Pulling back my shoulders, I march through the door letting it swing shut behind me. My steps are sure and steady as I walk across the lobby to the check-in desk.

It’s only one night.I chant, because the further I walk into this seventies throwback of a foyer, with its faded blue carpet and floral wallpaper, I’m wondering if this isn’t a real lifeThe Shininghotel.
