Page 74 of Don't Make Promises

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No, Noah wouldn’t do that. I might be his first hook up since they broke up, but I’ve known him for nearly half my life.

I’m his rebound.

The thought roots itself in my mind, twisting and turning until what we’ve done suddenly feels ugly and dark. I don’t know what we were thinking.

What was I thinking?

He’s just ended a long term relationship with an amazing woman. There’s no way, no matter how much I want it to be, that this will be anything more than sex for him.

I need to be alone.

Suddenly feeling deflated, I turn to go to my own room. I find Noah blocking the door, a look of concern on his handsome face at my abrupt change in energy. As if sensing where my mind has gone, he takes my hand and without a word, walks us out of the room and down the corridor.

We walk into the main bathroom. Noah flicks on the overhead light, moving across the room to switch on the shower. My eyes catch on my reflection in the mirror. The makeup I’d worked so hard on perfecting is smudged and my hair is a mess. Faint red marks show on my pale skin from where Noah’s beard has rubbed against me.

Noah comes to stand behind me, his hands land on my waist as he tugs me back into him. Our height difference is almost comical; I barely reach his pecs. Tracing his fingers over the red marks, I feel his chest puff out behind me.

“Are you happy with your work?” I tease.

He tweaks my nipple, and I groan at the sensation. “I’m fucking ecstatic with it.”

Running his hand up my chest, Noah lightly grips my throat before moving further up and forcing my head back. He dips down and captures my mouth with his own, forcing it open as his tongue demands entry.

Behind me, I feel his hard cock pressing into my back before he breaks the kiss, only pulling away slightly. His thumb rubs a soft circle on my jaw as he looks deep into my eyes. So much is said without actually being said in this moment.

His possession of me is clear in how he has me held captive, not just with his hand, but his gaze too. I wonder if he feels it too. If he can see how much I want to claim him as mine, just like he has me.

My heart races at the thought. At the risk of saying something I shouldn't, I break eye contact, moving away from him before I step into the walk-in shower and close the door. The water rains down on me, washing his cum away. I watch, fascinated, as it gets washed away down the drain.

Meghan would say I’m dickmatized, and I couldn’t really argue with her on that. I am. I’m not sure how I’ll get over him now.

The cold air from the shower door opening draws my attention to Noah. With his size, he takes up over half the shower. His hands cup my face as he walks me back until the water showers down over his back. “Where have you gone?”

Forcing a wide smile on my face, I answer, “I was just thinkin’ how, other than you cockblocking me, I’ve had a great night.”

Noah doesn’t laugh like I expect him to, instead his gaze assesses me, looking deep into my soul. “Now give me the truth.”

Rolling my eyes, I say, “You don’t wanna hear the truth, Noah.”

“Try me.”

“Fine.” I move out of his hold, back under the water as I grab the body wash and squeeze some onto my loofah. “I was thinkin’ how, after just one night, I’ve been hypnotized by your dick. And I’m not sure I’ll be able to look at you the same way without rememberin’ what it feels like to have your hands or mouth on my body and your cock fillin’ me up. I didn’t get any further than that before you interrupted my thoughts, but I do know I need to find my own place, so I don’t beg you to devour me again and again like you did tonight.”

Like that time I all but begged you eight years ago.




Jack and Noah return today for the summer. I came back a week ago and, am over the moon to see them. A lot has changed. Not just in Montgomery but with me too. Well, there’s one big thing that hasn’t.

I’m still a virgin.

That’s going to change this summer though. I’m nineteen now and if my plan works, Noah will be the one to take it. There’s no way he can see me as a kid sister anymore.

Twisting left then right, I admire my toned figure in the mirror before I get dressed. The guys at college have actually noticed me. Although that’s kind of stopped. Ever since Bobby Wright, the star quarterback, asked me out.

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